Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Human Trafficking It Happens Here, Its Happening Now
Human Trafficking, it happens here, it’s happening now. Imagine a young girl whose family is struggling and unable to provide her with a good education and a woman arrives and offers this young girl a job and a chance to attend school. Since this opportunity is unlikely to be offered at another time, the girl accepts the offer. When this young girl arrives in this supposed â€Å"opportunity of a lifetime†it is a living nightmare. The story you’ve just pictured is true in the case of 12 year old Maria from Vera Cruz, Mexico. When woman named Sandra Bearden from Laredo, Texas wanted a maid, someone to do the house work and help with her four year old son. She drove across the border to the small town where Maria and her family lived. Sandra†¦show more content†¦Victims of involuntary servitude are often migrants and low-skilled workers who are trafficked from under developed communities to more developed places. These victims are often physically and ver bally abused, and are held captive (or identify themselves as being held captive). Child Soldiers are abducted children forced to be exploited for their labor or to be used as sex slaves in conflict areas. The people that pull off these unlawful acts may be government forces, paramilitary organizations, or rebel groups. Majority of child soldiers are between the ages of fifteen to eighteen, some are as young as seven or eight years old. Many of these children are used as combats. Others are forced to work as porters, cooks, guards, servants, messengers, or spies. The young girls are often forced to marry or have sex with male combats and are at high risk of pregnancy. Since the girls are force to have sex with combats, both are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some of the children are forced to rape and murder their own families. UNICEF estimates that more than 300,000 children under 18 are being exploited in more than thirty armed conflicts around the world. Every year, more than 1.2 million children are exploited in the global Commerci al Sex Trade. Children are treated as sexual objects and as commercial objects. Commercial sexual exploitation of children is a form of coercionShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking: Otherwise Known as Modern Slavery Essay1082 Words  | 5 Pages 2. Child Trafficking More specifically then human trafficking, there is child trafficking. Child trafficking is today’s version of slavery that involves transferring a child for the purpose of abuse or illegal activities. According to the U.S. Department of State, â€Å"Child/Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world and is the world’s second largest criminal enterprise, after drugs. Child trafficking happens in every single country, including the United States. When peopleRead MoreEssay on Human Trafficking Crime1303 Words  | 6 PagesHuman trafficking is one of the most gfmoney making crime in the world? 1] (Amanda Kloer, March 15th 2011) Do you know human trafficking is slavery and happening everywhere, including where you live. It’s happening to many normal people like you. Most products that you buy from the supermarket like food, clothes, and shoes are made by people who were trafficked to factories.Will human trafficking stop if we legalize it? Human trafficking has become a global problem, as it happens everywhere to allRead MoreThe World s Fastest Growing Criminal Act1434 Words  | 6 PagesCongraduations! You would be wrong. The fastest growing criminal act just happens to be human trafficking or in more blunt terms, slavery (â€Å"25 painfully†).Human trafficking is a large ongoing problem , not just in other countries but right here in the United States; human trafficking violates human rights and we all need to do our part in leading our country out of this plague. Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon, it has been happening for so long that there is no specific starting date, that can beRead MoreThe Modern Day Slavery1105 Words  | 5 Pagesprostitution, human trafficking happens everyday, everywhere, and all the time. It happens in the most unlikely places with the most unlikely people. Your neighbor, pastor, teacher, or even a family friend could be apart of the trafficking system. Human trafficking is problem that affects millions of lives and needs to be stopped by educating people about it. Human trafficking is the 2nd biggest illegal industry behind the drug trade. It comes in so many different forms. Human trafficking by definitionRead MoreSex Slave : Http ( / Topdocumentaryfilms )1352 Words  | 6 Pagesdrugged, and bruised from head to toe these particular victims not only have and maybe still living a nightmare, but are scattered around the world in a binding industry that is close to impossible to stop. In Odessa Ukraine sex trafficking has become more than an issue, it’s become a profitable living for many people. Desperate for money or sold without a clue, these women have become part of a devastating cycle. With a group of detectives and the FRONTLINE’s production team, we see how the systemRead MoreThe United States Of America Should Legalize Prostitution1178 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION Attention Getter: Is your job considered socially acceptable? Does the government protect you and your rights as a human beign? Do you get health insurance? You’re not reduced to your profession when they report your brutal murder in the news, right? People don’t say that you had it coming, that you were asking for it when you entered your job, right? Well, if the answer is yes, that means you aren’t a sex worker. Controversy and Significance Statement(s): Prostitution is a crime inRead MorePersuasive Essay On Human Trafficking2008 Words  | 9 PagesWith everything that happens in the world, one tends to wonder if we are doing all that we can to protect ourselves and each other. Are we doing enough to protect ourselves and our loved ones from Human Trafficking? Yes, there are programs to help raise awareness in regards to human trafficking, but there are so many people, children and young women especially who are falling victim to this horrifying, scary crime. What can we do? What can our country†¦our states†¦our cities do to protect us from becomingRead MoreHuman Trafficking : Right Or Wrong? Essay1269 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Trafficking: Right or Wrong? The growing global human trafficking industry is valued at $31,600,000,000 per year, which makes it the second fastest criminal industry in the world. The topic of human trafficking is one that is not taken lightly anywhere in the world. It has been an issue for ages. Human trafficking can take on many forms within age, gender, or race. Human trafficking is the equivalence to modern day slavery and needs to be recognized as such by everyone if this serious problemRead MoreThe Issue of Human Trafficking1512 Words  | 7 Pagesslavery†is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor and exploitation; referring to using others for sexual exploitation, organ trafficking, and forced labor. This international crime is happening all around us and little to nothing is being done by governments. â€Å"Roughly two hundred thousand slaves are working here in America†(Madox). So the land of the free, well, it might not be so free after all. Coming in second after drug traf ficking, â€Å"human trafficking generates about 35 billion dollarsRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The Biggest Crimes That Is Held All Around The World1939 Words  | 8 PagesHuman trafficking is one of the biggest crimes that is held all around the world continuing today. What is exactly human trafficking? It is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation (Healy, 2012). Many young girls are being taken from their homes and may never return. Also men and women are being trafficked. This happens in areas like fishing boats, construction sites, farms and factories, and brothels and private homes (Healy, 2012)
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