Sunday, September 15, 2019
Vinegar as Alternative Battery
Vinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative BatteryPrepared & Submitted by MARY ALLYSSA YAUN, DHANIEL JEFFERSON EDRADAN, LEONEL CONCON, JANCIRFIL GALOS, RIMAR JIMENA, KERR VILLAROJO has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. GIOVANNI P. DOSANO Adviser â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph. D _______________ _____ _________ Member Member ___________________Member ACCEPTANCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE IV Acknowledgement There are a lot of people the researchers would wish to thank for their generous and unselfish help in realization of this study. First and foremost, Almighty God for giving the researchers the patience and perseverance to tackle the study; To their parents who gave them their full support, financially and morally. To Sir Giovanni Dosano, who became the researchers great and dearly research paper adviser who patiently helped and encourage them finish the study.The researchers salute for the continuous help and guidance. And most especially, Sir Zaldy P. Beloy, Ph. D. for helping the researchers to understand revise and emphasize the importance of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Approval Sheetii Acknowledgementiii Abstractiv Table of Contentsvi CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction4 Review and Related literatur e5 Statement of the Problem5 Significance of the Study5 Scope of Limitations5 Definition of Terms7-8 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY Research Design9 Materials9 General Procedure9-10 Observation10Flow Chart of Methodology11 CHAPTER III: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary13 Findings13 Conclusion13 Recommendation13 References14 APPENDICES15 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction We all know that the world is now facing an energy crisis and everyone is trying to do something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity can be made from air and vinegar. After all, vinegar are freely available everywhere. Battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy.It consists of a number of voltaic cells; each voltaic cell consists of two half-cellsconnected in series by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which anions (negatively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the anode or negative electrode; the other half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which cations (positively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the cathode or po sitive electrode. In the redox reaction that powers the battery, cations are reduced (electrons are added) at the cathode, while anions are oxidized (electrons are removed) at the anode.The electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically connected by the electrolyte. Some cells use two half-cells with different electrolytes. A separator between half-cells allows ions to flow, but prevents mixing of the electrolytes. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid and water. Acids donate H+ ions into a solution. The concentration of these ions is what determines whether a solution is a strong electrolyte (conductor) or a weak one. Since vinegar has a low concentration of acetic acid(about 5%) it only has a pH of only ~2. 4 and so is a weak acid.Review of Related Literature According to Doctor Sergey stated that vinegar have lots of electronic magnet cells that can because electricity will small megabytes. During the experimentation, the researchers found out that 4 pieces of calamodins are enough to light a certain bulb. It is also found out that a coin which is hot copper and copper wires are not the appropriate materials in making the experiment. Instead of the materials mentioned used the copper coin and alligator wire. The galvanized nail also matter in lightning the bulb. Use the 1. inches galvanized nail to balanced the flow of the current. Statement of the Problem The researchers aimed to answer the following: 1. How much amount of vinegar that can make the light emitting diode bulb light? 2. Can vinegar bean alternative battery? Significance of the Study This activity is done by the researcher with an important purpose. This activity is launched solely for the Fourth Year High school students of Surigao Education Center. Scope and Limitations This study focused only on commercial vinegar as an alternative source of energy. Definition of Terms Battery – a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. * Vinegar – a liquid substance consisting mainly of acetic acid (CH3CO2H) and water, the acetic acid being produced through the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. * Electricity – is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. * Acids – is a substance which reacts with a base * Electric Source – a physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when near other electrically charged matter. Cat ion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode; broadly : a positively charged ion * Anion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the anode; broadly : a negatively charged ion | | * Anode – the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs: as * Cathode –  the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs: * Current – a flow of electricity * Voltage – electric potential or potential difference expressed in volts * Galvanized Nail – Galvanized nails are a special type of nail used in construction.They have undergone a special galvanization process, which involves covering them with a zinc coating in order to form a protective barrier. This barrier also works as a sacrificial anode, which means the coating will dissolve before the metal inside does, if the barrier itself becomes damaged. * Copper Wire – Copper has been used in electric wiring since the invention of the electromagnet and the telegraph in the 1820s. The invention of the telep hone in 1876 created further demand for copper wire as an electrical conductor. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research DesignThe descriptive and experimental design was used in this study. Materials/Equipment * Vinegar (Commercial) * 1 meter Alligator Wires * 1. 5 inch Galvanized Nails * 1. 5 inch Copper wires * Tape * 2 Cups * Led bulb General Procedure A. Preparation on Materials 1. Prepare and check all the materials needed B. Set up the prepared materials 1. Share first the vinegar in packs 2. Fill the cups with vinegar 3. Then place a type at the top of the cups then put two different holes C. Connecting the wires 1. Attach the galvanized nail and copper wires both side. Do not allow the copper wire and galvanized nail touch each other. . Attach the alligator wire to the copper wires and galvanized nails 3. Attach the alligator clip to the bulb and it will light up. C1. Observation C2. Collection of Data C3. Tabulation C4. Evaluation C5. Conclusion Flow Chart of Methodology Conclus ion Tabulation Collection of Data Evaluation Observation Experimentation Setting up the Prepare Materials Preparation CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1 TRIAL| AMOUNT OF VINEGAR| OBSERVATION| 1| 200 ml| The led bulb haven’t produced light| 2| 400 ml| The led bulb still haven’t produced light| 3| 800 ml| The led bulb produced little light| | 1000 ml| The led bulb produced great light| Based on the table above, the researchers first prepared in trial with the amount of vinegar 200ml but it does not make the led bulb light. On the second trial, they prepared 400ml but again it does not work. By the third trial, with the amount of 800ml of vinegar, it only produced a little amount of light on the led bulb. On their last trial, they tried to use more vinegar with the amount of 1000ml, and then it already made the led bulb produced great light. CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONSIn this chapter the researchers will be giving the summary of th e findings of their study. The conclusions on the different problems that arose and to the recommendations on the kinds of improvement their readers can do in the near future. Summary With the use of vinegar it is proven effective when the copper wire and galvanized nail is inserted in it. Based on the observation of the researchers through experimentation it was proven that Vinegar can be an alternative battery and can be a good source of electricity and further justified based on the result of the study.Findings Based on the experiment conducted, the following were the findings of the study: 1. With the amount of 1000ml of vinegar, it can make the led bulb light with the use also of galvanized nail and copper wire 2. Vinegar contains small amounts of acetic acid that can make the led bulb light Conclusions Based on the findings the researchers have conducted, the researchers therefore conclude that vinegar can be an alternative battery and a good example of producing light.With th e galvanized nail and copper wire as the negative and positive the two components shouldn’t be attach with other with the flow of electricity there should only be one direction Recommendations The experiment is easy, you can spend lesser. This is recommended to all the people. By this study, a lot of people can get and get idea how to save money, and energy at home. Someday, vinegar will be a source of electricity. The researchers also recommend this to the following: * Students – this can help them to be their guide anf for them to try something new and develop their skills in investigatory. Teachers – to take this as an example to the students for them to encourage themselves to discover other kinds of alternative battery. The researchers recommend two title of further studies: 1. â€Å"Animal Urine as Alternative battery†2. â€Å"Vinegar as a battery for Calculator†REFERENCES http://tag. wonderhowto. com/vinegar-battery/ http://hilaroad. com/c amp/projects/lemon/vinegar_battery. html http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pq9NuvdLZaU&feature=gv http://www. termpaperwarehouse. com/search_results. php? query=vinegar+alternative+battery+ APPENDICES Vinegar as Alternative Battery Vinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative BatteryPrepared & Submitted by MARY ALLYSSA YAUN, DHANIEL JEFFERSON EDRADAN, LEONEL CONCON, JANCIRFIL GALOS, RIMAR JIMENA, KERR VILLAROJO has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. GIOVANNI P. DOSANO Adviser â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph. D _______________ _____ _________ Member Member ___________________Member ACCEPTANCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE IV Acknowledgement There are a lot of people the researchers would wish to thank for their generous and unselfish help in realization of this study. First and foremost, Almighty God for giving the researchers the patience and perseverance to tackle the study; To their parents who gave them their full support, financially and morally. To Sir Giovanni Dosano, who became the researchers great and dearly research paper adviser who patiently helped and encourage them finish the study.The researchers salute for the continuous help and guidance. And most especially, Sir Zaldy P. Beloy, Ph. D. for helping the researchers to understand revise and emphasize the importance of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Approval Sheetii Acknowledgementiii Abstractiv Table of Contentsvi CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction4 Review and Related literatur e5 Statement of the Problem5 Significance of the Study5 Scope of Limitations5 Definition of Terms7-8 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY Research Design9 Materials9 General Procedure9-10 Observation10Flow Chart of Methodology11 CHAPTER III: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary13 Findings13 Conclusion13 Recommendation13 References14 APPENDICES15 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction We all know that the world is now facing an energy crisis and everyone is trying to do something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity can be made from air and vinegar. After all, vinegar are freely available everywhere. Battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy.It consists of a number of voltaic cells; each voltaic cell consists of two half-cellsconnected in series by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which anions (negatively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the anode or negative electrode; the other half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which cations (positively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the cathode or po sitive electrode. In the redox reaction that powers the battery, cations are reduced (electrons are added) at the cathode, while anions are oxidized (electrons are removed) at the anode.The electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically connected by the electrolyte. Some cells use two half-cells with different electrolytes. A separator between half-cells allows ions to flow, but prevents mixing of the electrolytes. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid and water. Acids donate H+ ions into a solution. The concentration of these ions is what determines whether a solution is a strong electrolyte (conductor) or a weak one. Since vinegar has a low concentration of acetic acid(about 5%) it only has a pH of only ~2. 4 and so is a weak acid.Review of Related Literature According to Doctor Sergey stated that vinegar have lots of electronic magnet cells that can because electricity will small megabytes. During the experimentation, the researchers found out that 4 pieces of calamodins are enough to light a certain bulb. It is also found out that a coin which is hot copper and copper wires are not the appropriate materials in making the experiment. Instead of the materials mentioned used the copper coin and alligator wire. The galvanized nail also matter in lightning the bulb. Use the 1. inches galvanized nail to balanced the flow of the current. Statement of the Problem The researchers aimed to answer the following: 1. How much amount of vinegar that can make the light emitting diode bulb light? 2. Can vinegar bean alternative battery? Significance of the Study This activity is done by the researcher with an important purpose. This activity is launched solely for the Fourth Year High school students of Surigao Education Center. Scope and Limitations This study focused only on commercial vinegar as an alternative source of energy. Definition of Terms Battery – a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. * Vinegar – a liquid substance consisting mainly of acetic acid (CH3CO2H) and water, the acetic acid being produced through the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. * Electricity – is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. * Acids – is a substance which reacts with a base * Electric Source – a physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when near other electrically charged matter. Cat ion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode; broadly : a positively charged ion * Anion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the anode; broadly : a negatively charged ion | | * Anode – the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs: as * Cathode –  the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs: * Current – a flow of electricity * Voltage – electric potential or potential difference expressed in volts * Galvanized Nail – Galvanized nails are a special type of nail used in construction.They have undergone a special galvanization process, which involves covering them with a zinc coating in order to form a protective barrier. This barrier also works as a sacrificial anode, which means the coating will dissolve before the metal inside does, if the barrier itself becomes damaged. * Copper Wire – Copper has been used in electric wiring since the invention of the electromagnet and the telegraph in the 1820s. The invention of the telep hone in 1876 created further demand for copper wire as an electrical conductor. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research DesignThe descriptive and experimental design was used in this study. Materials/Equipment * Vinegar (Commercial) * 1 meter Alligator Wires * 1. 5 inch Galvanized Nails * 1. 5 inch Copper wires * Tape * 2 Cups * Led bulb General Procedure A. Preparation on Materials 1. Prepare and check all the materials needed B. Set up the prepared materials 1. Share first the vinegar in packs 2. Fill the cups with vinegar 3. Then place a type at the top of the cups then put two different holes C. Connecting the wires 1. Attach the galvanized nail and copper wires both side. Do not allow the copper wire and galvanized nail touch each other. . Attach the alligator wire to the copper wires and galvanized nails 3. Attach the alligator clip to the bulb and it will light up. C1. Observation C2. Collection of Data C3. Tabulation C4. Evaluation C5. Conclusion Flow Chart of Methodology Conclus ion Tabulation Collection of Data Evaluation Observation Experimentation Setting up the Prepare Materials Preparation CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1 TRIAL| AMOUNT OF VINEGAR| OBSERVATION| 1| 200 ml| The led bulb haven’t produced light| 2| 400 ml| The led bulb still haven’t produced light| 3| 800 ml| The led bulb produced little light| | 1000 ml| The led bulb produced great light| Based on the table above, the researchers first prepared in trial with the amount of vinegar 200ml but it does not make the led bulb light. On the second trial, they prepared 400ml but again it does not work. By the third trial, with the amount of 800ml of vinegar, it only produced a little amount of light on the led bulb. On their last trial, they tried to use more vinegar with the amount of 1000ml, and then it already made the led bulb produced great light. CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONSIn this chapter the researchers will be giving the summary of th e findings of their study. The conclusions on the different problems that arose and to the recommendations on the kinds of improvement their readers can do in the near future. Summary With the use of vinegar it is proven effective when the copper wire and galvanized nail is inserted in it. Based on the observation of the researchers through experimentation it was proven that Vinegar can be an alternative battery and can be a good source of electricity and further justified based on the result of the study.Findings Based on the experiment conducted, the following were the findings of the study: 1. With the amount of 1000ml of vinegar, it can make the led bulb light with the use also of galvanized nail and copper wire 2. Vinegar contains small amounts of acetic acid that can make the led bulb light Conclusions Based on the findings the researchers have conducted, the researchers therefore conclude that vinegar can be an alternative battery and a good example of producing light.With th e galvanized nail and copper wire as the negative and positive the two components shouldn’t be attach with other with the flow of electricity there should only be one direction Recommendations The experiment is easy, you can spend lesser. This is recommended to all the people. By this study, a lot of people can get and get idea how to save money, and energy at home. Someday, vinegar will be a source of electricity. The researchers also recommend this to the following: * Students – this can help them to be their guide anf for them to try something new and develop their skills in investigatory. Teachers – to take this as an example to the students for them to encourage themselves to discover other kinds of alternative battery. The researchers recommend two title of further studies: 1. â€Å"Animal Urine as Alternative battery†2. â€Å"Vinegar as a battery for Calculator†REFERENCES http://tag. wonderhowto. com/vinegar-battery/ http://hilaroad. com/c amp/projects/lemon/vinegar_battery. html http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pq9NuvdLZaU&feature=gv http://www. termpaperwarehouse. com/search_results. php? query=vinegar+alternative+battery+ APPENDICES
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