Thursday, October 31, 2019
Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Business Report - Essay Example There are restrictions on disposals of securities and sales are on hold for the lock-in periods that differ but are for long periods. Provisions and specific conditions have been examined for US, Australian and Indian markets and a comparative study reveals a common thread running between them base of stable politics, liberal economic outlook and good legal systems. There are some differences but of local nature due to unequal maturity. Financial Markets all over the world have been formed to enable companies to raise capital for their needs and to allow investors to invest in companies of their choice. Advanced Financial markets have expanded on this simple premise that has expanded with time and maturity. The concept of an investor today does not mean just the individuals who have wealth that they would like to invest. Indeed the individual investor today stands marginalized with the emergence of Institutional Investors No doubt these Institutions are themselves comprised of a huge number of individual investors, who invest in them by choice (Mutual Funds) or by law (Pension Funds). But the control of their money does not lie in the hands of the individual but in the hands of the few who are chosen as directors. Raising capital now requires a different approach. Earlier the companies had to woo the individuals to attract them to their issues. Now they have to attract the big investors as the amount of capital required is also getting to be huge. The companies want to play it safe by ensuring that a large amount of their capital needs are covered by private placements prior to their going for a public issue. One of the primary roles of the Stock Exchange Authorities is to safeguard the interest of the investing public. Although rules may differ from one country to another, the common feature is that they require a very comprehensive disclosure from the companies on their financial information. They are asked not only to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Strategic Staffing in Global Communications Incorporation Assignment
Strategic Staffing in Global Communications Incorporation - Assignment Example Many of those procedures are now bound to the theories and texts. There is a little process which is in practice right now. Here we go with questionnaires, surveys, employees’ diaries and 360 degree feedback from employers, peers and subordinates (Dessler, 2000)1. Person job fit is analyzed through various techniques in real world out of which human resource information system is most significant. We have a powerful Human Resource Information System installed in our server. It is helpful in defining the scenario which updates and excommunicates about what are the current practices going on and where is discrepancy lying in the air. Another reasonable approach which is currently in practice refers to employees questionnaires in order to conduct a credible Job Analysis. This is what we know about our employees and it’s all about the ways we use to identify the required skills in the employees. We are more likely to post the positions on the basis of prior experience of certain skills required. We focus on interpersonal and innovative skills of personnel. While posting the jobs to the concerned source, we often use only signaling by only mentioning degree requirements, prior experience and age limits. The further identifications are taken from face to face interactions and job recruitment tests. We get the applications online under career tab of our web page. It is directly reached to HR department who is liable to evaluate person to job and person to organization match by analyzing the curriculum vitae and revealing in application forms. After that the list of recommended candidates are added in minutes and they are called through phone as well as through surface mail. 20. Write a brief objective statement explaining why do you feel yourself as a better fit for this job, how your skills may be helpful in value maximization of the organization supporting your career plans, mission and vision? Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Calorimeter Process
Calorimeter Process 1. Introduction The report as a study for nozzle operated under pressure difference from 0.1 to 10 bars. Under this specification the report discuss the next point. The factor affecting on the nozzle efficiency Application in natural gas Effect of nozzle efficiency on the quality of combustion and how the quality of combustion could be enhanced 1.1. Definition The nozzle defined as: device setting in the flow path to achieve change in pressure, temperature and the velocity also it can defined as an mechanical device designed to achieve controlling process on the direction or characteristic of the fuel flow as it exits or entry it can take the shape of an closed chamber or pipe via an orifice . Reference: http// 1- Pressure We con notice that when the fluids flow through the nozzle as the pressure increased the discharge rate also increased and all other factor remains constant. The relationship between the pressure and discharge from a nozzle exit is A fundamental equation. The theoretical discharge from any nozzle Given by the next relation. Flow rate = CA (2gh) 5 C Means the dimensionless coefficient for the particular nozzle in question. A Means the area of the nozzle orifice. h- Means the pressure head applied to the nozzle. G Means the acceleration of gravity. As the pressure acts in the nozzle exit it directly affect to the stream of fuel .let us compare in the below figure between the gas stream with different pressure. 1- Differential pressure flow meters In case of the differential pressure drop this device used to calculate the flow by measuring the pressure drop over an obstruction inserted in the flow. The main idea of the differential pressure flow meter is based on the Bernoulli equation. These achieved by measuring pressure drop signal as function of square flow speed. p1 + 1/2 ? v12 = p2 + 1/2 ? v22 The most common types of differential pressure flow meters are a- Orifice plate With the using of the orifice plate, the fluid flow is measured through the difference in pressure from the upstream side to the downstream side. As showing in figure 1 : this process used in case when dont needs for high accuracy. b- Venturi tube Its best used in our case because this apparatus used in case of low pressure drop between the inlet and the outlet of nozzle. In the venturi tube application the flow rate is measured by reducing the cross section flow area in the path of the fluid flow After the constricted area, the fluid passes through the pressure recovery section. When up to 80 % of the differential pressure generated at the constricted area, is recovered with proper instrument and flow calibrating. The venture tube flow can be less to about ten percentage of its full scale range with proper accuracy. c- Flow nozzle The flow nozzle are often used as measuring elements for gas flow application When the gas accelerated through the nozzle, the velocity increase and the pressure so the gas density decreased and the maximum velocity done in the throat section. Recovery of pressure drop in orifices , nozzles and venture meters After the pressure difference has been generated in the differential flow meter. The fluid passing during the pressure recovery section. By means where the differential pressure generated at the constricted area is partly recovered 2- Variable area flow meter The rotameter composed of an vertically glass tube with large end in the top section of the main body of the rotameter and metering float which it free move . when the fluid flow causes the float raise in the tube and apply the relation of ΆP = h * g * P Where ΆP =pressure difference between inlet and outlet H = float recording P = fluid density 3- Velocity flowmeters In this process the flow calculated by measuring the speed and calculate the pressure difference from the next relation p1 p2 = 1/2 p (v22- p v12 ) 4- Pitot tubes The pitot tube are one the most used in air flow measurement. The main idea for its operation is in measure the fluid velocity by converting the kinetic energy to potential energy. 5- Calorimetric flowmeter This device principle for fluid flow measurement is based on two temperature sensors in close contact with the fluid but thermal insulated from each other . one of the two sensors is contactly heated so there are temperature difference between the measurement of the two sensors . 5-turbine flowmeter 6-vortex flowmeter 7-electromagnetic flowmeter 8-ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter 9-positive displacement flowmeter 10-mass flowmeters 11-thermal flowmeter 12-open channel flowmeter Calorimetric operation theory The main idea for the operation theory of the calorimetric flowmeter based on measurements for the temperature before and after the nozzle by using two sensor and converting this difference to signal translated by the usage of the gauge indicators . When the fluid flow start passing into the nozzle the heat energy is drawn from the heated sensor and the temperature difference is directly proportional to the fluid flow rate through the nozzle Advantages and disadvantages of calorimetric flowmeter Advantages                Disadvantages 1-high accuracy at minimum flow rate          1-costs 2- In general lower thermal conductivity require higher velocity for proper measurement.          2-appear cavitations in high speed 3-easy in its operation process          3-normally operates at low range 4-High repeatability          4-low noisy factor 5- high dynamic response          6-high sensitivity 7-small dimension ( portable ) Lab application Calorimetric provides two types of data. The first type is measurement of the heat capacities. This leads to values of the standard entropy St , the enthalpy ( or heat content ) HT- HS . And the enthalpies and the entropies of rapid phase changes (fusion, vaporization, polymorphism) of a single material. the second type of measurement of heats of chemical reaction ( formation from the elements or the oxides , relatively stability of competing phase assemblages , mixing in solid and liquids solutions ) either by direct reaction or through a thermchemical cycle such as is involved. Second application for the nozzle in the calorimeter is to spray the natural gas to burn it inside the combustion chamber. The next figure show example for burner nozzle. 1-Fuel properties and the effects of sprays Our fuel used in the calorimeter is the natural gas which takes the name of isooctane (C2H6) and it has the next microstructure Temperature The temperature difference between the inlet and the outlet of the nozzle also affecting on the nozzle performance this achieved by when the temperature increased this directly effecting on the fuel properties specially in its viscosity so in the petroleum applications for the high viscosity sometimes used heating process for the fuel before path through the nozzle . Surface Tension The Surface tension in natural is the tendency of the surface of the liquid to contracting with the smallest possible area. The effect is normally similar to the skin surrounding the body of the liquid and pulling it into the shape, which will have the least amount of the surface area. That shape is spherical shape. Surface tension Natural of flow The natural of fluid flow through the nozzle effect on its performance .for example in case of laminar flow the performance of the nozzle will be better than in case of turbulent flow. In case of found a head it also affect in the nozzle performance. Cleaning Nozzles In case of using fluids containing sluts and other dusts it concentrated in the main body of the nozzle which affect on the nozzle path that reduce the flow rate through the nozzle which affect on its performance . Spray Patterns The Nozzles used for oil burners are provided in two different general types of spray patterns, hollow cone and solid cone. These are illustrated in the below Figure. It will be noted in these illustrations that the hollow cone is a spray in which the concentration of droplets is at the outer edge of the spray with little or no fuel in the center of the spray versus the other type of sprays which leads to an weakness in the performance of the nozzle. Performance improvement The efficiency of the nozzle depending on several factors it concentrated on Type of sprayer and nozzle of design The percentage of air to fuel ratio Spark method from heaters to use the spark ignition technology. Percentage of carbon on the fuel So in the next section we discuss these factors which it can affect on the nozzle performance 1- Flammability ( burning start) The classical method for lighting the calorimeter is matching it is not efficient so that we improve the nozzle performance from this side by using the spark ignition technology. This spark ignition working depending on providing it with fixed voltage from battery to be able get the initial spark to start the burning process * The spark ignition which get the initial spark to the instrument get its power connected by wire (3mm ) which connected also to battery with 12 v . 2- Fuel to air ratio In the theory of the stoichiometric mixture has just enough air to completely burn burn the available fuel. In natural this is never quite achieved, due primarily to the very short time available in the internal combustion chamber for each combustion cycle. Most of this combustion process completes in approximately 4-5 milliseconds. This is the time that elapses from when the spark is fired until the burning process completed. The Air fuel ratio is the most common reference term used for mixtures in internal combustion engines It is the ratio between the mass of air and the mass of fuel in the fuel-air mix at any given moment For pure natural gas the stoichiometric mixture is approximately 14.7:1 or ? of 1.00 exactly 3-to make a window from the top to see the flame from inside instead of opening the system each time. We must use material Cleary to see out from it and work under pressure 10 bar {rm C_2H_6} + tfrac{7}{2}{rm O_2} rightarrow 2{rm CO_2} + 3{rm H_2O} Equivalent ratio The equivalence ratio of a system is defined as the ratio of the fuel-to-oxidizer ratio to the stoichiometric fuel-to-oxidizer ratio. Mathematically phi = frac{mbox{fuel-to-oxidizer ratio}}{(mbox{fuel-to-oxidizer ratio})_{st}} = frac{m_{fuel}/m_{ox}}{(m_{fuel}/m_{ox})_{st}} = frac{n_{fuel}/n_{ox}}{(n_{fuel}/n_{ox})_{st}} 4-carbon percentage in the fuel Natural gas is an extremely important source of energy for reducing pollution and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. In addition to being a domestically abundant and secure source of energy, the use of natural gas also offers a number of environmental benefits over other sources of energy, particularly other fossil fuels. This section will discuss the environmental effects of natural gas, in terms of emissions as well as the environmental impact of the natural gas industry itself. Scroll down, or click on the links below to be transported ahead. Conclusion The report is an investigation to describe the calorimeter process and the system operation with the nozzle performance and the method to improve its performance. So the main objectives from the report are To understand the basic principle of calorimeter and its necessity in engineering to investigate different types of calorimeters. The advantages and disadvantages using these calorimeters in the engineering lab environment. References 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- S. Sosin, C. Moldovan, R. Iosub; Designing and manufacturing of a calorimetric micro-sensor for methane detection, CAS International Semiconductor Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 381 384. 6- 7-R. Mohan Kumar, R. Muraliddharan, D. Rajan Babu, K. V. Rajendiran, R. Jayavel, D. Jayaraman, and P.Ramasamy, J. Cryst. Growth 229, 568 (2001). 8-K. Meera, R. Muralidharan, R. Jeyavel, and P. Ramasamy, J. Cryst. Growth 263, 510 (2004).
Friday, October 25, 2019
SURFING ON THE FAST LANE :: essays research papers
Are you tired of those slow downloads you’re getting when you surf the internet? Bored of waiting just to make a few transactions in your e-billing account? Then forget your old modem and switch to ADSL. For those of you that are not familiar with this new technology, let me explain a little bit about what it is. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a transmission technology that enhances the use of existing telephone lines, providing high-bandwidth data and voice services. This is possible taking advantage of unused high frequencies of existing copper wiring in the PSTN (Plain Switched Telephone Network), allowing data to travel back and forth on the high frequencies while voice simultaneously travels back and forth on the lower frequencies without experiencing interruptions. It is asymmetrical because the download speeds (1.4 Mbps) are much faster than the upload speeds (256 kbps); this means that it’s faster to download a file than to upload a file to the sa me server.      Having said this I’ll focus on how to install an ADSL modem, a modem for those of you that don’t know is an acronym for Modulator Demodulator, a modem is a device that converts data from digital computer signals to analog signals that can be sent over a phone line, this is called modulation. The analog signals are then converted back into digital data by the receiving modem, this is called demodulation. In this occasion I have chosen the latest of Microsoft Operating Systems, which is Windows XP, hopefully by the time you read this, Microsoft has not come up with something newer, since they change Operating Systems like we change clothes.      First we need to make sure that the PC meets the minimum system requirements, for Windows XP they are: a 300Mhz processor or faster, a processor is an integrated circuit that executes the instructions of a program that drives the computer, 128MB of memory, 100MB of free disk space, a CD-ROM drive, a Network Interface Card, a NIC is a circuit board that allows the computer to connect to a network, and a Super VGA monitor (800x600) or higher resolution video adapter.      Well, with all this taken into consideration let’s get started, there are different kinds of modems that accomplish these task, but I will select one with an Ethernet port, Ethernet is one of the most widely-installed local area network (LAN) technologies, that provides transmission speeds of up to 10Mbps, which is more than enough for ADSL speeds.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Importance of Research Essay
In sending a letter of inquiry, there are considerations that can be established to let the grantor consider the intent for research. The letter will present the main design of the research process which will use the correct psychological metrics in assessing the different attributes of characters. Basically, the first approach is to establish the reference for the identification of counseling techniques. The research will have a conclusive parameter in which the measurements will be undertaken when the actual data collection starts. This will at least create a platform in order to correlate the results of the study and the actual accepted standards used in the counseling industry. Since the main study involves counseling, there should be a standardized basis as to how to interpret client reactions. By the time the metrics are formulated, an actual data gathering will be done using the techniques of survey modeling. A random generation of respondents can be initialized using sampling methods on statistics. Depending on the scope of the study, a particular segment of the population may be used. For example, separate studies can be done according to gender, income, medical history and age. The survey will seek the impressions of selected respondents based on how counseling can influence their decision making capability. The subject will first undergo a counseling session with a designated psycho-analyst and will then be interviewed to get info about the effects of counseling to their attitude and perception in life. In terms of ethical considerations, the real approach of counseling will be used. Since the research will be looking for generative factor effects, then a credible counselor will be hired for the project. Of course, it would be unethical to provide counseling suggestions to the respondents based only on fictional approaches. It may induce them to actually modify their opinions which may create certain dilemmas in their lives. Another ethical aspect may involve the process of disclosing the research process to the respondents. It is very possible that they will provide personal details and opinions within the counseling activities hence compromising their privacy. In order to stay away from possible legal suits, the respondents may be informed of the research. Giving them the assurance of the credibility of the counseling results and their privacy will be of utmost importance. To persuade the grantor, related studies can be presented. Of course, these documents should present the positive outcomes of previous researches which have already made its way on implementing a decision based on the research results. It would be best to inform him that research establishes the technical aspect of proving or disproving a particular â€Å"guess†about a certain interest. No mater what the outcome would be, a research study will let an initiator to improve a certain goal or to divert its intention to prevent a possible contrasting scenario. Just like in the profession of counseling, a researched standard approach for specific clients can optimize the goal of assisting them in resolving their personal concerns. Practically, a research sustains the need for a good and quality knowledge. Even large scale educational institutions agree that research studies play an important role in knowledge development (IDS, 2008). A segmented report from the involved colleges and universities may be submitted to the grantor to inform him of the basic necessity for research studies. References IDS. 2008. Big Ten universities affirm research importance. Indiana Daily Student. Retrieved January 19, 2008 from http://www. idsnews. com/news/story. aspx? id=48060&comview=1
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Phesant Analysis
Sylvia Plath The poem, , has a theme, which is talking about a complex relationship of Plath. Plath uses pheasant as a symbol for representing her complicating complex. This poem also conveys of realism of nature, which reflects to the reality of a human being. This poem consists of 8 identical stanzas. Each stanza contains 3 lines. It has an irregular rhyme scheme and an imperfect rhyme. Plath starts off the poem directly. The first word of the poem, â€Å"You†, reveals that Plath is having a conversation or a negotiation with someone.The first 2 lines in the poem depict a serious but quiet atmosphere with slight grudges. Thus, Plath has shown a tone of pleading, reflected by the phrase â€Å"Do not kill it†. Then, the poem comes up with a run-on verse. It reveals Plath is emphasizing the idea here. â€Å"The jut of that odd, dark head†obviously is portraying the appearance of a pheasant. It also illustrates that Plath sees a pheasant, whose head is staying upo n the uncut grass, is pacing around. Plath also sets a foil to the peaceful atmosphere by the slow pace of the pheasant.There is a great dichotomy with the first line of the poem. The ambiance has been changed abruptly. The following lines show that Plath is talking with somebody softly, not owing to forgiveness, it is because Plath seems like suffering from hell pain and weak to convey words. â€Å"I am not mystical†, the first line in third stanza, indicates that Plath is connecting to spiritual aspect of thing, perhaps like God. And then, Plath is referring to the pheasant. Plath â€Å"thought it had a spirit†and â€Å"in its element†. The concept of Plath is that the pheasant belongs to the nature, as it is an element of it.Plath implicitly conveys that if the peasant need to end up its life, it should be caused naturally but not by any man-cause. That’s what Plath is halting somebody from killing the pheasant. In the forth stanza, Plath perhaps depi cts that pheasant is a paramount, wonderful creature in Plath’s mindset. â€Å"Kingliness†portrays the pheasant is living proudly in the nature. There are landmarks by the pheasant hither and thither, illustrated by the word phrase â€Å"tail-track†. In addition, the fifth stanza is a resonation of the forth stanza, which emphasize the gorgeous aspect of the pheasant.The word â€Å"wonder†echoes with the word â€Å"kingliness†. Plath also projects that pheasant is unique and special and can stand out to catch her attention among other birds. The â€Å"pallor†of the pheasant is charming and captivating. Afterward, Plath comes up with a question and a statement at the same time. â€Å"Is it its rareness, then? It is rare. †this line reveals the pheasant has occupied an important position of Plath. The sixth stanza is a respond to the fifth stanza. Plath expresses that even there is tons of pheasant; it is still â€Å"a fine thingâ € .The exclamation used highlight Plath’s impression. In the seventh stanza, Plath is complimenting the pheasant. â€Å"Good shape†, â€Å"vivid†are words that praising the pheasant. Thus, Plath uses metaphor to compares pheasant as Zeus, the greatest god in Greece mythology, indicated by the word â€Å"cornucopia†. Thus, the metaphor is followed by a simile, â€Å"brown as a leaf, and loud†. Perhaps Plath is portraying the colour, the size and the movement of the pheasant. In the last stanza, Plath illustrates the pheasant is enjoying under the sunshine â€Å"in the narcissi†.There is a hidden meaning here. The word narcissus appears in the name of a disease, narcissistic personality disorder. Perhaps Plath chooses this plant for precise presentation. And as a result, Plath chooses to â€Å"let be, let be†, reveals that Plath is giving up. Throughout the entire poem, Plath uses pheasant to represent a series of themes, like love, relationship and realism. Perhaps Plath uses the pheasant for presenting herself as a weak woman without any defence. And pheasant is also the one, which is defenceless. It reflects the role of Plath.If Plath is using pheasant as a metaphor to describe she, then the compliments in the poem belongs to her. That means she is praising herself. In Plath’s opinion, she is a precious woman as diamonds that everyone should cherish and treat her well when getting along with her. Plath should be paramount and be complimented all the time and she thinks that she can receive the glory. Unfortunately, things do not go on as Plath anticipated. Plath is pleading someone not to sabotage her relationship and love. If not, Plath will simply possess nothing.On the surface, everything goes logically but owing to the existence of â€Å"narcissi†, we may guess perhaps Plath has been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. She is psychologically unhealthy and does not possess a c lear mind. She is confused and begins absurd right now. But what we can still predict that Plath has illusions is owing to bad and nasty treatment. In conclusion, the poem pheasant illustrates a serious atmosphere but elegant description on the surface. Implicitly, this poem shows the madness of Plath derive from complex love and relationships and innate human evil – deceiving.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade
Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade Ninth grade is an exciting time for most teens. The beginning of the high school years marks the culmination of their primary education, and the course requirements for high school students begin their preparation to enter college or the workforce after graduation. Curriculum for 9th-grade students shifts to address higher level thinking skills and autonomous study skills. In 9th grade, language arts prepares teens for effective oral and written communication. Typical courses in science include physical science and biology, while algebra is the standard for math. Social studies usually focuses on geography, world history, or U.S. history, and electives such as art become a vital part of a students education. Language Arts A typical course of study for ninth grade language arts includes grammar, vocabulary, literature, and composition. Students will also cover topics such as public speaking, literary analysis, citing sources, and writing reports. In 9th grade, students may also study myths, drama, novels, short stories, and poetry. Math Algebra I is the math course that is typically covered in 9th grade. Some students may complete pre-algebra or geometry. Ninth grade students will cover topics such as real numbers, rational and irrational numbers, integers, variables, exponents and powers, scientific notation, lines, slopes, the Pythagorean Theorem, graphing, and using equations to solve problems. They will also gain experience in reasoning skills by working through reading, writing, and solving equations, simplifying and rewriting equations to solve problems, and using graphs to solve problems. Science There is a wide range of topics that 9th-grade students can study for science. Standard high school courses include biology, physical science, life science, earth science, and physics. Students may also take interest-led courses such as astronomy, botany, geology, marine biology, zoology, or equine science. In addition to covering standard science topics, it’s essential that students gain experience with science practices such as asking questions and forming hypotheses, designing and carrying out experiments, organizing and interpreting data, and evaluating and communicating results. This experience usually results from taking science courses with labs and learning to complete lab reports after each. Most colleges and universities expect high school students to complete two or three lab sciences.  Two of the most common science courses for ninth grade students are biology and physical science. Physical science is the study of the natural world and includes topics such as the earth’s structure, ecology, weather, climate, erosion, Newton’s laws of motion, nature, space, and astronomy. Physical science may also cover general science principals such as the scientific method and simple and complex machines. Biology is the study of living organisms. Most biology courses begin with a study of the cell, the most basic component of all living things. Students will learn about cell structure, anatomy, taxonomy, genetics, human anatomy, sexual and asexual reproduction, plants, animals, and more. Social Studies As with science, there is a wide range of topics that students can study for ninth-grade social studies. Social studies encompass history, culture, people, places, and environments. Students need to gain experience with social studies skills such as reading maps, using timelines, critical thinking, evaluating data, problem-solving, and understanding how cultures are affected by geographic location, events, and economics. Standard high school courses for 9th-grade students include American history, world history, ancient history, and geography. Students studying U.S. history will cover topics such as the exploration and settlement of America, Native Americans, the foundations of American democracy, the Declaration of Independence, the U. S. Constitution, taxation, citizenship, and types of government. They will also study wars such as the American Revolution and the Civil War. Ninth graders studying world history will learn about major world regions. They will learn about the patterns of migration and settlement in each, how the human population is distributed, how people adapt to their environment, and the effects of physical geography on cultures. They will also study wars such as World War I and World War II. Geography can easily be incorporated into all history topics. Students should learn map and globe skills using a variety of map types (physical, political, topographical, etc.). Art Most high school coursework now requires art credit. Colleges and universities vary on how many elective credits they expect, but 6-8 is average. Art is a broad topic with ample room for interest-led, elective studies. Art studies for ninth grade students can include visual arts such as drawing, photography, graphic design, or architecture. It can also consist of performance art such as drama, dance, or music. Art studies should allow students to develop skills such as watching or listening and responding to art, learning the vocabulary associated with the art topic being studied, and fostering creativity. It should also allow them to encounter topics such as art history, famous artists and works of art, and the contributions of various types of art to society and its impact on culture.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The eNotes Blog Blinded by Science
Blinded by Science How Math and Science intern overcame his trouble with the sciences and learned to love his Biochemistry major. Science: the subject that many find so difficult to understand (and so boring to even attempt to understand) that they just dread learning about it, dread having to sit in class and listen to the teacher ramble on about atoms and cells and forces of nature. In high school, I used to be the type of student who wanted to ditch my chemistry and biology class. Seriously, who wants to hang around periodic tables and posters of cellular structures all day, and then have to study so hard just to learn on the test that you understood almost nothing? However, when I started college and began studying for my biochemistry degree (being Asian, I was heavily influenced to become a doctor), I began to realize why so many of us perform poorly in and, for some, even fear science. A 3rd year into my studies now, let me share with you my experience of overcoming the negative attitude and eventually growing to love this subject. â€Å"Why do I need to learn this? When am I ever going to use this information in my lifetime?†These are questions that we’ve all asked at some point in our scientific studies. In fact, the professor of my public speaking course raised this question just 2 days ago, referring to the sciences. This is one of the many reasons that science classes may seem so difficult and scary. It seems so arbitrary and foreign to us, like learning a whole new language that we will never use, and school fails in making it seem less frightening, in making it more familiar. Instead, we are driven away by how test-oriented the material is and the amount of memorization that is required. My love for the sciences began in my first physics and chemistry courses. We were learning about exothermic (release of heat) chemical reactions and kinetic energy. Sure, I understand that when favorable chemical reactions naturally occur spontaneously go towards products and release energy as heat, but what does this mean and why do I care? Out of frustration in how poorly I was doing in the class, I decided to approach learning science through another method. I began to explore where these concepts occur in my everyday world and that’s when I stumbled across explosions. Those beautiful explosions seen in fireworks and those awesomely crazy explosions seen in action movies can all be fundamentally explained by the basic concept of exothermic reactions. All that force, heat/light, and fire that we see as a result of an explosion is all due to a chemical reaction that releases a lot of heat, causing the rapid expansion of air molecules. How cool is that?! All that insanity due simply to a sudden, quick expansion of air molecules that help transfer heat! I’d never thought something so simple can be responsible for what we see in fireworks and explosions. This is when I realized that I can make science a lot easier and a lot more interesting to understand. Over the last few years, I stumbled across more interesting applications of the concepts I was learning in class. In quantum mechanics, I learned that teleportation is possible and that scientists have already teleported incredibly small particles from one island to another (shout out to all those Star Trek fans who fantasize about traveling from one place to another in a matter of seconds). In physics and chemistry, I discovered the most efficient way to drive a car, meaning I can now consistently get above 40 miles per gallon in my 1996 Honda Civic, which is incredible considering that a lot of fuel efficient cars these days average about only 32 miles per gallon. The main point I’m trying to get at is learn how the science can be applied and try to relate it to a phenomenon that you find fascinating, especially if you are someone who is currently struggling in your science courses as I did (my GPA actually dropped below a 3.0 when I started college). Explore the internet and answer that question your little voice keeps asking in your head, â€Å"When am I ever going to use this?†It’s what led me to finding better and easier ways to perform simple tasks, such as driving, cooking, and fixing broken appliances. Although it may be true that science comes more naturally for those who are left brain dominant, all you need to do is be creative and find some way to connect that scientific concept to something that really interests you, and you don’t need to be an Einstein to make that happen. In fact, that’s how most of us learn in other subjects, but science just seems so foreign at first that it’s hard to take that first, eye-opening step. Once you take that step, though, you’ll begin to realize all beautiful ideas and revolutionary technology arise from surprisingly simple concepts with a bit of imagination and experimentation. It’s what allows for the possibility of teleportation, the possibility of substituting electricity with quantum particles to make computing millions of times faster, the possibility of finding cures for life-threatening diseases, and the possibility of traveling through space and time. That’s pretty awesome if you ask me. So, as Jesse Pinkman expresses it in Breaking Bad, â€Å"Yeah, science!â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Register for the ACT
How to Register for the ACT Registering for the ACT isnt difficult, but you do want to make sure you plan ahead and have the information youll need at hand. Before you begin registering, make sure you know the registration deadlines for the exam you plan to take. They tend to be about five weeks before the actual exam. It will also be useful to have a copy of your high school transcript when you register so that you have the school information youll need for the form. Step 1: Visit the ACT Website and Create an Account Go to the ACT student website. Once youre there, click the Sign In button at the upper right of the page, then click on the create account option. Next, set up an online account so you can do things like check your scores online, print your admission ticket to get into the testing center, make changes to your registration if you have to miss a test day, request more score reports, and more. Youll need two pieces of information before you create your account: your social security number and your high school code. The website will walk you through the steps of the process. Note: Be sure to fill in your name just as it appears on your passport, drivers license, or another approved ID that youll be bringing to the testing center. If the name with which you register does not match your ID, you will not be able to take the test on your scheduled test day. Step 2: Register Once youve created your student account, you need to click the Register button and proceed through the next several pages. Youll answer questions about the following: Personal information like left-hand vs. right-hand (so you get placed in an appropriate testing desk), religious affiliations, parental educational background, and disabilities. Remember, this is all voluntary information.A high school summary like the type of school you attended and courses youve taken. Youll also see questions about extracurricular involvement in high school. Your college plans such as preferences regarding school size, whether or not you plan to enroll full time or not, and college interests.Your specific testing date and location. Where youd like your score reports to be sent. You can choose up to four colleges with the basic fee, so youll save money if youve decided where youd like them to go before you register. Intended future college major and career choices. Youll also be asked during this process to upload a current headshot. Make sure to follow the parameters exactly, or you could be banned from taking the ACT on test day. Both the photograph a nd the name on your identification are important pieces of information that ACT uses to make it difficult for anyone to cheat by having someone else take the exam for them. If youre wondering why ACT wants some of this information when it has nothing to do with the actual test, realize that college admissions is a big business of trying to get students matched up with schools where they will succeed. ACT (and SAT) provide names to colleges of students who might be an appropriate match for those schools. The more information they have about your grades, courses, and interests, the better than can align your credentials with potential colleges. This is why after you take a standardized test, youre likely to start receiving lots of mail from colleges. Step 3: Pay Check out the current ACT fees before you test, and fill in your waiver or voucher number if youve received one. At the bottom of the page, click Submit just once, and youre done. Youre then free to print your admission ticket. A confirmation will be sent to your email address. Step 4: Prepare Youre in. Now, all you need to do is prep for the ACT just a little bit. Start by going though the ACT basics, and then running through these 21 ACT test strategies to help you perform as well as possible when test day rolls around. Then, try your hand at an ACT English quiz or Math quiz to see how you might respond to the real ACT questions. Finally, pick up an ACT prep book or two to help see you through the end. Good luck! Updated and edited by Allen Grove
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Market government organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Market government organization - Essay Example The three banks that have most offshore accounts are UBS, Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs. While US, UK and Germany are doing a great deal to bring to line the rogue tax evaders, more effective policy change and stringent punishments must be enacted to promote transparency and prevent tax evasion. Transparency laws should become compulsory, especially for banks and make accessibility f data easy for everyone, including foreign agencies and individuals. Hence, banks and banking laws should come under the purview of international laws along with local laws. Indeed, the governments cannot take actions if they are bound by international laws and local laws of countries where the money is stashed. Access to information becomes a critical issue that can significantly discourage tax evasion. Stringent punishment would further deter the tax evaders as well as banks and help developing and under developed economies to make fast socio-economic
Friday, October 18, 2019
Contemporary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Contemporary - Essay Example Lastly, technological advances such as synthesizers became prevalent in the field of music and began to be used in ways classical music had never before experienced. Naturally, such a time of political and societal unrest gave way to many new ideologies, new movements, new perspectives, and most importantly for purposes of this brief analysis, new forms of classical music. Classical music composers were faced with all of the aforementioned issues and in addition to that were given new tools with which to accentuate their music. The birth of the synthesizer and the use of computers in musical compositions were both immediately co-opted into music as composers and musicians alike attempted to delineate their music through their use. Likewise, greater and more prolific use of atonality, dissonance, and minimalism were employed to a greater and greater extent. Arnold Schoenberg, a composer whose career spanned both 20th century and contemporary periods, will be analyzed in this brief study. Schoenberg’s characteristically atonal, experimental, and minimalist styles can be amply heard in A Survivor of Warsaw Op. 46 1947. The piece is symbolic of Schoenberg’s unique style, the elements of the contemporary period, as well as the socio-political disturbances that gave rise to so much of the anxt filled music of the era. Firstly and most prominently, the piece features Schoenberg’s full and extravagant use of atonality and dissonance which had become such a characteristic of the prior 20th century; however, in addition, Schoenberg fully employed the 12 tone technique (also known as dodecaphony) for which he became renowned. This piece critiques modern society in that the atonality, the purposeful confusion, and the minimalism all work towards describing the sheer and utter depravity of humankind without taking away from the story by an overly ornate or complex musical tone. Simply stated, where other pieces may have lost some meaning by purposely
Market Review Exercise Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Review Exercise - Dissertation Example Service proliferation comes from the increasing number of services offered by the financial in their search for new avenues of revenue generation. The search for new avenues of revenue generation by the financial sector has also resulted in growing competition among the various financial organizations in the financial sector. A key reason for the proliferation of financial services is the trend in favour of government de-regulation or the loosening of the control strings of the government on the financial sector. One of the reasons for the deregulation of the financial sector is for the ordinary citizen to earn more interest on savings and this has resulted in the trend for interest sensitive mix of funds. Developments in the field of information technology are used as tools for sharpening the competitive edge among the players in the financial, and also allow the many new services offered to ride piggyback on technology changes including automation. Effective use of the automation p ut in place requires generation of high volumes of sales, which means increased customer base and as a result the trend in consolidation and global expansion. ... Differences between Building Societies and Banks Building societies are mutual institutions in which a major portion of the having a savings account in the building society or a mortgage from the building society are members and in essence operate in the financial markets as financial services providers for meeting housing finance needs. Banks on the other financial enterprises in many cases hold public investment as stocks on which revenue has to be derived for paying out to the stock holders and so offer a plethora of financial services in the market towards revenue generation. Building societies are not so strongly governed by profit motives and so their services for housing purposes tend to be offered at lower costs; however they have a drawback in that there is a limit of 50% of their funds that they can seek from the wholesale market. However, in the new millennium these differences are getting blurred, because of the cross provision of financial services that has seen building societies indulging in selling insurance, unit trust and other such long term investment products and banks also offering competition in these services (Spencer, 2000). Current Building Society Trends By incorporating as public limited companies, building societies are able to overcome the limitations that they have in access to capital from the financial markets. This has seen the trend among building societies to become public limited companies. Such a move also helps them to overcome the restrictions of the UK Building Societies Act and face the challenge of reduced demand for housing finance. To offset the reduced demand for housing financial services, the trend after incorporation as public limited companies is to move into new areas of financial services
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Research Paper
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner - Research Paper Example Additionally, they also consult with the various stakeholders such as legislators, communities, corporation and groups involved in mental health. One major requirement that these nurses should have is that they have to attain a master’s degree or one in doctoral in psychiatric mental health in order for them to qualify to be registered nurses in this field. Most of them operate private owned practices that allow them to provide primary care services to populations affected by psychiatric mental health. Based on this over view, this research paper will evaluate all the requirements that Psychiatric –Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in the US specifically looking at the ones applied in the state of Florida. Before an individual qualifies to be a Psychiatric-mental Health Nurse Practitioner, it is a requirement for them to attain a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a Nurse Practitioner degree that might take at least to four additional training years. Further, these individuals also have to obtain Master’s of Science in Nursing or obtain a Doctor of Nursing Practice, which is usually an advanced program in nursing education where one has to practice for at least six hundred clinical working hours. In 2015, the DNP degree became the minimum degree requirement for those seeking to be enrolled for a degree in advanced practice registered nurses. b) The applicant is then authorized by the Board to practice under the supervision of a professional and registered nurses as a graduate or graduate practical nurse. The Board might require irregular reports from the supervisors and employers of the graduate nurse or graduate practical nurse to ascertain whether the individual has been in violation of Section 464.018(1) F.S. d) Further, any applicant that does not physically appear to sit for the licensing examination shall also not be
Race and the Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Race and the Death Penalty - Research Paper Example In every modern society, there are authorities to impose punishments on wrongdoers and the nature of authorities varies with the kind of offenses. For example, a child who breaks the rules of a family at home is punished by his parents or the other elderly members. But, in the society when someone gets involved in illegal activities is punished by the criminal judicial system. There are two major reasons for inflicting punishment on criminals: one belief is that it is fair that people who break the law be punished according to the level of his offence, and the second belief is that punishments will discourage offenders from repeating their wrongdoings in the future and will also put fear in the minds of others from doing wrong. These two beliefs are universal in every human society. The debate surrounding the necessity of punishments including capital punishment, therefore, does not focus on the â€Å"basic principles but on the fairness, appropriateness, and effectiveness of specif ic punishments for specific offenses.†1 Because of the irrevocable nature of the death penalty, it is the most criticized form of punishment. In the United States, racial prejudices were pervasive and played an important role in the decision of the jury in regard to death penalties as â€Å"the color of a defendant and victim’s skin plays a crucial and unacceptable role in deciding who receives the death penalty in America.†2 It has been seen that an offender is more likely to get the death penalty if the murdered victim is a white man. This paper focuses on the racial prejudices surrounding death penalty in the United States. Before studying the death penalty from the angle of racial prejudices it is important to note that racism is a major part of the American society.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Discuss the relationship between the orthodox and the marginal, Essay
Discuss the relationship between the orthodox and the marginal, referring closely to at least two texts we have discussed on the unit - Essay Example It made its presence felt in the field of art, science, history, religion, literature, philosophy and politics as well as other aspects of intellectual inquiry. Scholars and thinkers of this era, sought out in search of ancient texts written in Latin or ancient Greek which had been long lost and forgotten into obscurity, which fuelled their desire to increase and improve their worldly knowledge - a concept totally in contrast to the transcendental spirituality strongly propagated by medieval Christianity. These scholars, however did not denounce or reject Christianity, but this cultural shift and the quest for knowledge did brought about a change in the way religion was approached by the intellectuals and was evident in many areas of their cultural life. Shakespeare’s Richard III and Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta and Dr Faustus, all three of which were widely popular and yet severely criticized mainly because of it’s content and candid use of language, and study them in the light of Renaissance – an era of immense exploration and questioning of ideas and well established philosophies. Although there exist many views regarding the exact date of the Renaissance period in history, for the purpose of this essay, the period between 14th to 17th centuries is considered as the Renaissance Era. In England, the Elizabethan era marked the beginning of the Renaissance Era, with the works of such writers as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Milton and Edmund Spenser. This led to the development of new ideals on humanism which were far more liberal and secular as opposed to those in the medieval era to the chagrin of the yet unquestioned Christian backdrop. Much of the literary work was dedicated to religion or Church, as a result it had profound effect on contemporary theology, particularly the way in which the relationship between man and god was perceived. The Renaissance thus could well be perceived as a time of religious
Race and the Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Race and the Death Penalty - Research Paper Example In every modern society, there are authorities to impose punishments on wrongdoers and the nature of authorities varies with the kind of offenses. For example, a child who breaks the rules of a family at home is punished by his parents or the other elderly members. But, in the society when someone gets involved in illegal activities is punished by the criminal judicial system. There are two major reasons for inflicting punishment on criminals: one belief is that it is fair that people who break the law be punished according to the level of his offence, and the second belief is that punishments will discourage offenders from repeating their wrongdoings in the future and will also put fear in the minds of others from doing wrong. These two beliefs are universal in every human society. The debate surrounding the necessity of punishments including capital punishment, therefore, does not focus on the â€Å"basic principles but on the fairness, appropriateness, and effectiveness of specif ic punishments for specific offenses.†1 Because of the irrevocable nature of the death penalty, it is the most criticized form of punishment. In the United States, racial prejudices were pervasive and played an important role in the decision of the jury in regard to death penalties as â€Å"the color of a defendant and victim’s skin plays a crucial and unacceptable role in deciding who receives the death penalty in America.†2 It has been seen that an offender is more likely to get the death penalty if the murdered victim is a white man. This paper focuses on the racial prejudices surrounding death penalty in the United States. Before studying the death penalty from the angle of racial prejudices it is important to note that racism is a major part of the American society.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
World War I Essay Example for Free
World War I Essay The first world war of 1914 was mainly driven by conflict of interest in credit and commercial contracts among nations. This is because during this time economically civilized nations had engaged their efforts in embracing the competitive advantages brought by economic interdependence and communication. According to Norman Angell, the growth in economic integration that was evident among European during this time made it futile for the nations to ever engage in war (Angell, 2007). Nevertheless, economic protectionism and imperialism by individual nations could no doubt prompt military uprising as countries strived to ensure that their territorial wealth remained in its population’s possession. Although economic and territorial power expansionism has been blamed for the 1914 world war, not even the participants’ local population gained significantly from the fight. The major force behind the bloody conflict was actions by nations to undermine the smooth course of credit-interdependence due to assumed military power dominance (Herwing, Hemilton, 2003). However, even with power, principles of sustainable harmonious survival of the dominant power could only be realized based on its upholding of ultimate respect for the property rights of its enemy. This nevertheless contradicts the economic motives of conqueror in acquiring the territory, a factor that promote conflict of interest. Therefore, the 1914 world war was evidently triggered by the forces of economic dominance through conquering of territories and accumulation of wealth by the conqueror (Herwing, Hemilton, 2003) Based on this reason, the world was inevitable without effective laws governing economic wealth and territorial ownership rights. Even in this late time when numerous international laws serve to mitigate interstate conflicts, breach of credit and economic contracts compromise international relations among nations. Thus, the war could not have been stopped. References Angell, N. (2007). The Great Illusion. New York: Cosimo, Inc. Herwing, H. , Hemilton, R. (2003). Origins of World War One. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Monday, October 14, 2019
DC Motor Speed Control
DC Motor Speed Control Abstract The point of this paper is to comprehend the attributes of open loop and close loop speed control for a DC engine. It additionally intends to demonstrate the properties of a PID Controller. Introduction Open loop and close loop control are two unique sorts of controlling the speed of the engine we constructed. These two sorts of control each have positive points and negative points, which we will attempt to research all through this paper. Most importantly, an open loop system works regardless of the output of the function. In restriction, a close loop control system react depending on the input and output values. Utilizing an Arduino microcontroller, we will run tests on this motor by changing some variables. This permits us to concentrate data about the responses of the control system. P, D and I remain for: proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain. Their particular elements show up in the following section. Theory The transfer function of a first order system is given by the equation: :. Knowing that (k/a) the final value in RPM, and that the time constant is 1à ¢Ã‚ „a. The transfer functions of the system can then be determined. In principle, corresponding, integral and derivative gain cooperate with a specific end goal to keep up the output to a set value. The corresponding gain applies an exertion that is relative to how far the value is from the set esteem. In any case, the nearer the set and value are the less exertion it applies on the system. The basic pick ups part is to try and out the time spent on each side of the set point. Last, the derivative gain controls the overshoot and goes about as a dampener when the value changes violently. Results Open loop test Fig 1: Open loop test 1 Fig 2: Test 2 time series plot Fig 3: Test 3 time series plot Fig 11: Simulink model of open-loop system The realistic information demonstrates a delay of 0.1s and the time taken to achieve 63% of the last esteem is 0.5s for each test. So the time steady is 0.4s for each test. At that point the transfer function of each of these system can be resolved:  ,  , . When rescaled to RPM units, these transfer functions are all equal to: Toward the finish of this section, one noteworthy weakness of open loop control system shows up. The open loop system doesnt take a gander at the output value, so it cant correct itself. Despite the fact that the system works, it depends for the most part on the clients involvement to conform the PID controls to the correct qualities to acquire the best outcomes. The proportionnal gain role is to direct the final value that the system comes to (the higher the gain, the nearer to the set value the systeme will be). Closed loop system test In the test where kp=1 that appeares on figure 4, the set point was 1000 RPM. Not surprisingly for this low estimation of the proportionnal gain, the last value is just around 4000 RPM. So we will increse the Kp to see what it does to the system. At the point when the estimation of kp expands, the exactness of the system get higher. On figure 4 the red bend demonstrates the outcomes for kp=2, the last RPM esteem has expanded to 6000 with an overshoot to 8000. Figure 4 obviously demonstrates that the greater kp is, the nearer the last esteem is from the coveted set point. Expanding the estimation of the proportionnal gain enhances the precision of the close loop system. The system begins to sway unmistakably for a proportionnal pick up estimation of 15, with a time of around 0.5 seconds (reference: figure 4, kp=15). On figure 5, the system seems to stabilize at 1 second and then reaches the set point value of 10000 RPM a around 8 seconds. Lets try to understand what is the relationship between the Kp and the Ki. On figure 6, the system goes into overshoot before backpedaling to the fancied estimation of 10000 RPM. The framework takes roughly 2 seconds to settle to its last value. Figure 7 demonstrates se reaction of thew motor with kp set to 1 and ki set to 10. It is recognizable that for a higher ki value, the reaction (in RPM) is swaying around the chosen value (10000 RPM for this situation), expanding its exactness with each period. On the off chance that ki is expanded to a higher value, the oscillation dont enhance in exactness as observed on figure 8. After around 5 seconds, the Dc motor has balanced out; At this point, the card touches the flywheel (see figure 10). The reaction is prompt, and the system tries to remunerate the loss of RPM has returned to the sought estimation of 10000, which it settles again around 7 seconds after the card touched the framework. This test demonstrates the fundamental favorable position of a close loop system, which is that if the output is changed, the input changes likewise to go back to the initial value. these tests comprehended the parts of every PID control. By tweaking the numbers, it is conceivable to streamline the framework so that the reaction has a negligible overshoot and in addition the speediest settling time conceivable. By abusing the outcomes, unmistakably a shut circle control framework is the best for this circumstance. Figure 12 demonstrates the best outcome acquired in the lab for set estimations of the PID controller As it shows on figure 12, expanding the estimation of the derivative gain keeps the system from overshooting. With this estimation of the proportional gain, the DC motor can settle rapidly (in around 1.5 seconds) around the estimation of 10000 RPM. To further build the exactness of the motor, the integral gain was set to 1.4. This empowers the system to make little oscillation around 10000 RPM without losing any exactness. Planning a PI controller in like manner to this table brought about a system that has great attributes: little overshoot, quickly revised, quick settling time and just a small error on the last estimation of the system.This table is exceptionally helpful with regards to designing the motor. Be that as it may, outlining a PID controller with this table is trickier as the derivative gain affects the way the system carries on. It can dampen the motor excessively, or take a little unsettling influence for a major issue and the system wont be as productive. The key is not to utilize a lot of the derivative. Conclusion In conclusion, the less complex outline of the open loop system makes it simple and modest to make, all things considered. Notwithstanding, the way that open loop system dont adjust to unsettling influences in the output is a noteworthy disadvantage. The adequacy of these system depends on the qualities picked by the user for for proportional, integral and derivative gains. close loop system are vastly improved at keeping up a desired target, for this situation the speed of the engine. By tweaking the estimations of every parameter of a PID controller, it is for all intents to make the system do precisely what it is intended to.However, the three type og gain must be set for each exact system, which makes outlining the close loop system more complex to do. References Document on moodle Open loop systems Understanding D in PID control electrical4u, 2013. Speed Control of DC Motor. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 9 February 2017]. Bishop, R.H. and Richard C. (Richard Carl) Dorf (1998) Modern control systems. Available at: (Accessed: 17 February 2017).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
about the new pope :: essays research papers
â€Å"A New Pope but Not a New Path.†     In this article about the new Pontiff, Benedict XVI, the author tells about Cardinal Ratzinger’s life. He was known as Pope John Paul II enforcer. Cardinal Ratzinger was called many things for this such as â€Å"Joe the Rat†and God’s Rottweiler†. Cardinal Ratzinger is one of the most conservative men in the Roman Catholic Church today. He holds many of the beliefs that his predecessor held. Cardinal Ratzinger holds that Roman Catholicism is the one â€Å"true†religion and he does not believe in same sex marriage, or women priests, and stem cell research. Because of his conservative beliefs, Cardinal Ratzinger has alienated many liberal Roman Catholics here in America and in parts of Europe. For these reasons the Roman Catholic Church in Europe might see a steep decline because the new Pope views them as a morally decaying society in what is already a Roman Catholic declining society.      To be fair, the author of the article talks a little about the new Pope’s youth. In the 1960’s, Pope Benedict XVI was a liberal academic who served as an advisor to the Second Vatican Council. While serving the Council he supported many of their endeavors to opening the church. When Marxism reared its head in the late 1960’s Cardinal Ratzinger was pushed to become a conservative. He became involved in the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, and became its leader in which he loosed much liberation in Africa and in Latin America.      Many Roman Catholics want to see their church reignited in Europe and the West. Unfortunately, under this new Pope, these hopes have been obliterated. While he undoubtedly is a great and capable theologian, he lacks pastoral experience and the compassion it takes to view others beliefs. While his name Benedict would seem that his mission is to rekindle the church in Europe and the West, his achievements throughout his life and his lack of openness speak for themselves.      I believe that this author has done a good job to explain where the Roman Catholic Church is and where it needs to be going. The author does a good job in detailing who the new Pope is by pointing out important facts of his history.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
An Analysis of Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart :: Things Fall Apart essays
The Importance of Things Fall Apart The novel "Things Fall Apart", by Chinua Achebe, was an eye-opening account of the life and eventual extinction of an African tribe called the Ibo. It focuses on one character, Okonkwo, who at a very early age set out on a quest of self-perfection. Coming from a family ruled by a man who was lazy and inconsistent with everything he did, Okonkwo vowed to never accept the fate of his father. Okonkwo and his family suffered through many hard times in their lives, but usually managed to come out on top. Through terrible crop seasons and bad judgement calls, Okonkwo usually prevailed, until the day came when he was faced with a situation that could not be resolved by his strength and character alone. This novel also provided a very detailed, and seemingly accurate, account of the lives of the Ibo. The Ibo were an extremely spiritual people who answered to their gods daily. A hardworking people who based their personal worth on their community and crop achievements. Their yam crops were the backbone of the community and he who possessed the largest crops were usually respected by all in the community. The Ibo were a very gendered people. The men normally made all the rules and the woman were taught to respect their husbands decisions. In particular, Okonkwo ruled his household with an iron fist. He often beat his wives for small reasons and felt little to no remorse for doing so. While it was not uncommon for the men of the Ibo tribe to beat their wives if they disobeyed orders, Okonkwo was a character that oftentimes took it too far. In one point in the novel he badly beat one of his wives, Ojiugo, during the sacred week. During this time no one in the tribe is to com mit such acts, as it is a time for peace. By beating his wife, he defied the gods and was forced to offer up animal sacrifices and payment to them. This one of Okonkwo's major character flaws, he is stubborn and self-righteous, and wishes to answer to nobody but himself. This even leads to eventual fate, when he refuses to join the Christians when most everyone else of the tribe gave in to their ideas.
Friday, October 11, 2019
With Reference to six poems, explain how attitudes to war changed over the course of World War One
World War One, or as most historians refer to it â€Å"The Great War,†was supposed to be the war to end all wars. From 1914 to 1918, young men were encouraged to sign up to fight for the British army against the might of the Germans. Because conscription wasn't introduced until 1916, recruitment songs, posters and poetry were needed to encourage men to sign up. These songs and poems were specially written using a wide variety of rhetorical devices so as to display the potential advantages that joining the army could bring. Most recruitment poems have subtle similarities as they are all written for the same purpose: to persuade. The main way they do this is through the use of rhetorical devices. In the poem ‘Who's for the game? ‘ the first three verses have rhetorical questions featuring heavily. For example, â€Å"Who'll grip and tackle the job unafraid†and â€Å"Who'll give his country a hand? †This also occurs in â€Å"Fall In†with the line, â€Å"Will you send a strangled cheer to the sky / and grin till your cheeks are red? †These words are examples of rhetorical devices. They make you question yourself after you have read it about whether or not you enlist. The titles of the two poems also set the tone of the different poems and make the reader aware of what they are about to read. Making sure that the title displays this is important, because you then know what some of what is about to happen before you have even started the first word. â€Å"Who's for the game†shows war as a fun, exciting prospect that men, if they signed up, would enjoy. Whereas â€Å"Fall In,†the other recruitment poem, has a military connotation. Fall in†is a marching term that is used a lot in the army, so before you have read a word of the actual poem, you know that the rest of the poem is going to have a military background, perhaps talking about how war is like from the military's point of view The structure of the poems are very similar, as they both have the same rhyming pattern with alternate lines rhyming – â€Å"played†and â€Å"unafraid†as well as â€Å"fright†and â€Å"tight†This makes the poems catchy and therefore easier to remember. This will then cause the poem to stick in people's heads, continuously persuading them to join the army. In the poem â€Å"Fall In,†the author relates personally to you with the lines â€Å"Is it football still and the picture show / the pub and the betting odds†These are all things that the people who the poems were read by would have done in their everyday life. This is mirrored in â€Å"Who's for the game? †where they mention â€Å"the red crashing game of a fight†this compares war to a game like football to make it more appealing to the readers of the poem. This targets the audience through their word choice. â€Å"Crashing†, is a positive adjective which makes the reader more accepting of war. This also makes the poem sound more appealing and attractive to the reader. Also in â€Å"Who's for the game? †they relate to you by appealing to men's sense of bravery and chivalry in the lines â€Å"Your country is up to her neck in a fight / and she's looking and calling for you†There are a number of appealing factors about that line, the first being the pronoun – â€Å"Your†; this makes it sound as if you own the country and it would be a shame to let it go. Then they refer to the country as a female in the words, â€Å"her neck†This makes them think that they are strong and brave and also personifies war as a beautiful woman that they need to go and rescue. This emphasises the point even further by saying that she's â€Å"looking and calling for you. †The writer has made it sound like they're talking about every single male that hasn't signed up yet. In the next section I will look at a different viewpoint of the same experience of war, from soldier poets. These poets fought in the trenches and wrote poems about what their experiences were like. The author of â€Å"Peace,†Rupert Brooke, was a neo-classical poet whose poems glorified war and made it sound like a glorious adventure, however he never experienced combat at first hand. He became famous because of his good looks. An Irish poet was quoted to have described him as â€Å"the handsomest young man in England! †Arthur Graeme West, however, isn't as famous as him. This is probably because he was known to write poems attacking young soldier-poets who were writing poems idealising war – like Rupert Brooke. His own personal gruesome experience was probably his motivation to write such a scathing poem about the young poets. In â€Å"Peace,†the main aim of the poem is to explain to people about how great the war is and how much of an adventure it would be when you sign up to join the army. Brooke has used the sonnet structure to his advantage. In the first eight lines, the octave, he is explaining about how war could liven up their lives in the line, â€Å"†¦ nd wakened us from sleeping,†and then in the last six lines, the sestet, he brings the poem to a close reassuring the reader about death, â€Å"Naught broken save this body, lost but breath;†This talks about how when you die your body is the only thing that is broken, and nothing is lost apart from breath, It hints at the fact that the soul of a person will live on after death. This makes the reader more accepting of death, because it says that after death you will live on. However, in â€Å"God! How I hate you,†West has also used the end of the poem to hammer home his point. In the first five lines he talks about why he is writing the poem. The title itself is from when he is addressing the poets who are glorifying war. The title continues into â€Å"†¦ you young cheerful men,†the men being the poets. In the last part he goes into a much more detailed version of war with strong adjectives like â€Å"warm grey brain,†and powerful similes like, â€Å"smashed like an eggshell†This is a good example as it likens a man's head to an eggshell which is very easy to smash. The choice of simile here suggests that human life is fragile Imagery plays a huge part in both poems. â€Å"Peace†is showing war in a positive way like in the line â€Å"†¦ we have found release there,†this meaning that war has cleansed them from the boring Edwardian society that they lived in before the war. â€Å"God! How I Hate You,†in contrast shows war in the opposite way, with the gruesome wording in the latter section. â€Å"Spattered all bloody,†is one of the strongest phrases in the poem and it is made all the more poignant with the last two lines. These lines are almost mocking the young-soldier poets, saying that even though that the war is so ghastly, â€Å"†¦ still God's in His Heaven†and all is right in the world. There are also hints at sarcasm, which is meant to make the soldier poets embarrassed about what they've written. The last poems I am going to look at are â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth. †â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†is a war poem written by Wilfred Owen in collaboration with Siegfriend Sassoon. Wilfred Owen was seen as one of the most important war-poets in World War One. He wrote poetry in the trenches and kept a diary. He experienced shell shock after a shell burst near him in 1917 and was sent to a military hospital in Scotland called Craiglockhart where he met Siegfried Sassoon. Whilst there, his poetry changed and became more explicit and more didactic in content. The poem is very negative about war. They mention a lot of the effects that war can bring on you like, â€Å"Drunk with fatigue,†which meant that the war was so tiring they were acting as if they were drunk from the effects. Also, â€Å"Deaf even to the hoots,†means that they were concentrating so hard on the war that they couldn't hear anything at all. The reason for all this negativity is that it was written in 1917, three years after war had broken out so they had had time to see how bad the war is and to construct a poem saying how startlingly horrific it is. Owen does very well at portraying a gas attack, the main event in the poem. The first of these very emotive stanzas is â€Å"vile, incurable sores. †The first word, â€Å"vile†immediately makes your repulsed and moved about the use of this foul language. Another one is â€Å"gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs. †I think this is the worst and most dreadful of the three stanzas because corrupted makes you think of how ruined and destroyed this young soldiers lungs must be after inhaling the gas. The last one is â€Å"watch the white eyes writing in his face. †The strongest word in this stanza is definitely writihing. These poetic techniques are really vivid because they make you really disgusted at what has happened to these poor soldiers during the war. All these really horrible descriptions of war really hit home the ideas about the ‘bogus' patriots, like Jessie Pope, whom the poem is addressed to. The reason for addressing the poem to her is that she stayed at home yet encouraged men to join the army and to go and fight in the war. As well as her it is also addressed to all the soldier poets like Rupert Brooke who glamorised war. This gave the poem more fame than others because most people saw the reception from the other well-known poets that it was aimed at. As well as using a lot of descriptions to describe war he uses continuous verbs like â€Å"†¦ uttering, choking, drowning. †This gives you the sense of the war never ending with no hope of going out as after you've read one word you're immediately pounded on with another one. This gives the poem more depth than the actual words written on the page. Also a lot of similes in the first paragraph including, â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,â₠¬ as well as â€Å"coughing like hags. †These also give you the idea that war is a really terrible place to be because things like hags and beggars aren't very nice things to be likened to. The soldiers have also not become human because of the war – they have aged and become dehumanised. I think that putting the title at the end of the poem rounds off the whole poem because you don't really read those last lines but it gives you time to digest the poem and focus on what you have actually read. In this poem, there is also use of sarcasm and an accusatory tone because of the people that the poet was directing it to – Jessie Pope and other poets just like her. â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth,†was written by Wilfred Owen in collaboration with Siegfried Sassoon when they met in Craiglockhart, a military hospital in 1917. They wrote it together relying on each other to adjust bits slightly using both poets' skills. The war was reaching its conclusion and poems were becoming more detailed as four years of war had given them lots to write about. Gruesome injuries, horrific detail and the soldier's own personal accounts affected how poets displayed their words to the reader. The grisly nature of the poem is displayed immediately in the first stanza with the description, â€Å"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? †This likens deaths of soldiers to that of cattle. If someone dies like cattle it is not going to be a glorious death. The quote also states about how, after a soldier's death, no one will sound church bells in memoriam of them in the line, â€Å"What passing-bells†¦ †This makes the deaths sound unimportant and that nobody cares if a soldier dies. Instead of bells, the only sounds they were likely to get were â€Å"the monstrous anger of the guns†¦ †and, â€Å"the stuttering rifles rapid rattle. †This likens the typical funeral noises to that of war. There is also a use of alliteration with â€Å"rifles' rapid rattle†It shows how brutal and quick the rifles could fire. They use personification in the â€Å"choirs of wailing shells. †Instead of a choir of church boys singing the soldiers had the â€Å"wail†of an exploding shell. This creates a shocked and surprised mood to the comparison of shells to choir boys. With the line, â€Å"What candles may be held to speed them all? †It questions whether or not anyone cares about the amount of death that is happening. It says that boys won't care because they are the ones that possibly could go to war in the future. Girls will be the only ones feeling sorry for them and â€Å"girl's brows shall be their pall. â€Å"Palls†are the cloth used to cover coffins so it means that the girls will be the most caring people. Also at the end of the poem, to round the end off, they use a metaphor about death. â€Å"And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds†This likens death to the drawing-down of blinds, or in the soldier's context, their eyes closing. This makes the reader feel more accepting of death, it being likened to just drawing down of blinds – something that some people do every evening, and there is a sense of finality over this sombre and grave ending. In conclusion, my favourite poem was â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth,†because it had a very musical background, â€Å"no prayers nor bells†and â€Å"†¦ save the choirs. †The poem is a great poem, I think because two poets wrote it together. With two poets working on one poem, they can annotate each other's work and make additions to it and change some parts to suit both there own. With all the references to music there is a lot to focus on, however if you can get your head around the poem it is a very emotive and meaningful poem.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Auditing and Assurance Notes Essay
Week 1 Purpose of audit – enhance the degree of confidence of intended users in the financial report. Expression of an opinion by the auditor on whether – the FR is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with applicable financial reporting framework. Opinion – whether the FR is presented fairly, in all material aspects, give a true and fair view in accordance with the framework. ASA require auditor to exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the planning and performance of the audit to Identify and assess risk of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, based on an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether material misstatement exist, through designing and implementing appropriate responses to the assessed risks. Audit process (planning, audit evidence, audit reporting) 1. Planning Understanding the business and determining risk Assessment of the internal controls Determining ‘significant risks’ for which special audit attention needs to be focused 2. Evidence gathering Tests of controls Substantive tests 3. Formation of the audit opinion Planning Risk identification what approaches/ procedure the auditor needs to adopt to reduce audit risk. Plan- so that audit will be performed in an effective manner. Key engagement team members in the planning appropriate quality control procedures Consideration of comparisons of the entity’s financial information: Comparable information for prior periods Anticipated results of the entity Similar industry information Audit Risk- the risk of material misstatement of financial report Assertion level Inherent Risk (IR) the susceptibility (æ„Ÿå â€"æ€ §) of an assertion(ä ¸ »Ã¥ ¼ ) to material misstatement, assuming there are no related controls, IR factors are generally business risks (BR) affecting a specific account assertion. Control Risk (CR) the risk of an assertion being materially misstated because controls will not prevent, or detect and correct errors on a timely basis. CR is the impact of the presence or absence of effective internal control designed to mitigate entity’s business risk Detection Risk (DR) the risk that the auditor will not detect the material misstatement. Can be reduced by proper planning, assignment of staff, professional scepticism (çâ€"‘éâ€" ®), supervision and review Planning Materiality ASA320 Materiality – no specific criteria for determining materiality, but rather considers it a matter of professional judgement. Determining materiality for planning- 2 stages 1. An appropriate benchmark need to be chosen 2. Risk assessment based on auditor’s knowledge of client’s business
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Midterm Learning Reflection Essay
Introduction. You should print this out, although you may also use it as a template to type over. You will be writing two reflections this term: a midterm reflection and a final reflection. The final reflection is the one you want to have ultimately on your portfolio. Both your midterm and final learning reflections must be 700 to 1000 words, which is approximately two to three MLA-formatted pages. You can check your word count by going to Tools/Word Count on the menu bar. Style and Format. The writing style of the learning reflection is primarily expressive, but will also contain narrative elements. You do not need a Works Cited page unless you cite something. So, if, for example, you cite song lyrics, one of our texts, a poem, or even a work of art, then you need a Works Cited page. I’ve included one here to serve you for formatting purposes. File formats. We are going to be learning how to convert Word documents to pdf format so that they load more easily in a browser window. If you can, please practice with one or both of the following two methods, which are what I use (they are free). 1. Install a free pdf converter. These are not truly â€Å"free†in that they either force you to look at some advertising or they add a line on each page advertising the manufacturer of the software. I don’t have a problem with either of these and gladly suffer through the free advertising every time I convert a file to pdf, which I do all the time. The one I use to create all the pdf files for my classes is at Download both the Pdf995 Printer Driver and the Free Converter (they are both free; they are required to work together, but for some reason, they are two separate downloads). After you go through the download and installation process, every time you want to create a pdf file from Word, all you need to do is select File/Print and then chose PDF995, which will show up as a â€Å"printer.†When you initiate this process of creating a pdf file, you will be prompted for a place to save the file, as well as a file name. Be careful to save the file to your H: drive or, if to your C: drive, to ftp (transfer) it over to your H: drive later. You will notice that some advertisements come up as the conversion process occurs. That’s the â€Å"price†you pay for the free conversion software. 2. The other pdf-conversion method I like is to use the free OpenOffice word processing software. This software should be in our labs. You can also download it for free on your own computer, from This is basically an open-source version of Microsoft Office. Once you’ve installed it (it’s large and takes a while to install), you can open any Word document with the OpenOffice word processing program (Open Document). Some of the original Word formatting may be lost – especially the header information with your last name and page number. You will need to add that back in; be sure you do it correctly. When you’re satisfied with the format, there is a little pdf icon on the toolbar that you can click, and that will automatically convert the document to pdf format. Learning Reflection Content. What should you discuss in your reflection? In general, you discuss what you’ve learned, what you’ve done especially well, what you’ve enjoyed – and the challenges you’ve encountered and how you might make changes in the future. Here are some suggestions for what to write about: †¢ Your experience transitioning from high school (or wherever you were previously) to a freshman in college, focusing on how you have grown as an individual and an independent student. †¢ Your experience in this particular course – your year-long freshman inquiry. In this regard, you should probably focus on the University Studies goals and the ways in which you have grown and developed with respect to those goals. I would expect that other courses have also contributed to the goal areas, so you might want to highlight any that have been particularly useful in that regard. †¢ Other experiences as a student here at Portland State. Portland State University’s mission is â€Å"Let Knowledge Serve the City,†which reflects the fact that we are an urban university. What have you learned with respect to community, diversity, and the connection between a learning community (the university) and the city in which it is located? Keep in mind that you may have acquired valuable experiences outside of the classroom, but still connected to your identity as a student. o Perhaps you have learned important lessons about discipline and time management as a student athlete, which may serve you well when you enter the workforce. o Maybe your involvement in activities with other students – such as taking dance classes or playing in the band or spending hours in an art studio or toughing out chemistry and physics labs – has improved your personal skills and brought to light new areas of interest, which you’ve pursued in your free time. o Or perhaps you’ve found out that you are a loner, that you haven’t connected very well with a lot of the people in your classes. As you reflect on this (or any other conclusions that some – maybe you – might consider, well, depressing), think of this is an opportunity to think of ways to make some changes in the future. †¢ A reflection, in other words, should include a self-assessment element as well as thinking along the lines of â€Å"What could I do better or differently in the future?†Consider the challenges you’ve faced, how you’ve overcome them, or how you’d like to overcome them in the future. Conclusion. Your reflection should end in a way that gives the reader the sense that you are closing up a chapter in your life and ready to move on, with some ideas in mind of what you might do differently. My suggestion is that you do not spend a lot of time critiquing the world around you; after all, you can’t change that very much. Confine your reflection to you and what you have learned and experienced. Dwelling on what you don’t like about a given course or program is not a reflection about you, but about something else. Works Cited Eakin, Paul John. How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 1999. Fiske, John. â€Å"Popular Culture.†Critical Terms for Literary Study. Ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. 321 – 335. Harrison, Claire. â€Å"Hypertext Links: Whither Thou Goest, and Why.†First Monday. 7 Oct. 2002. 10 Feb. 2004 .
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
A Comparasion of Rack Supprted Warehouse vs. Conventional Steel Frame Research Paper
A Comparasion of Rack Supprted Warehouse vs. Conventional Steel Frame Buildings - Research Paper Example Warehouse construction is a flourishing industry and thus requires sophisticated methods of construction to fulfill the requirement. Loading and unloading of goods is required that are stored on pallets which are in turn placed on pallet racks. Cranes and forklifts are used to transport these goods to and from the pallets racks to the transportation vehicles. Conventional steel frame structures have been used to build the warehouses, but with the advancement of technology, rack supported warehousing is also in practice. But the two structural designs need to be analyzed and compared in terms of their usage, economic viability, technical feasibility and storage capacity. The two structural systems will be explained briefly before proceeding with the comparison. Steel frame structure A skeleton frame is used in the conventional steel frame which is based on vertical steel columns and horizontal I-beams or trusses. The roofs and walls are attached to the frame and are supported by const ructing the building in a rectangular grid. Material storage is provided through freestanding racks (Kotecki and McHugh, 2009). Hot rolled steel structures and cold form steel structures are the two types of steel frame structures. A wide choice is available in the cross sections of the single storied hot rolled steel industrial building, but economical viability is usually granted through limited number of shapes. A 250Mpa of strength is yielded by the cross section used in the hot rolled steel industrial building (Satpute and Varghese, 2012). The cold form steel building is a pre-engineered structure that has been tested through time for its aesthetic and structural quality. Components of cold form steel Main frame, which is based on I-sections with columns and rafters made of hot rolled sections. Secondary frame, which is provided through Z or C sections. Purlins, eave struts and side girts are used. Wind bracing is provided through circular cross section rods. Exterior cladding is provided through trapezoidal sheeting. Various options are provided through the steel frame construction in terms of width, height and roof slope to suit the operational requirement of the main building structure that will house the pallet racks. In case of a warehouse the following options are commonly used: Clear span, straight column steel building frame: no interior supporting columns are needed, which provides a column free space for steel storage racks (Armstrong Steel, 2012). Width =16’ to 50’ and over, Height =8’ to 60’ and over, Standard roof slope = 1/2:12 to 1:12. Multiple span, straight column steel building frame: interior columns are provided to distribute the load and reduce the cost (Armstrong Steel, 2012). Width =10’ to 600’ and over, Height of=20’ to 60’ and over, standard roof slope =1/2:12. Multiple spans, tapered column steel building frame: tapered columns and interior straight columns are provided in t his structure (Armstrong Steel, 2012). Width = 10’ to 600’ and over, Height =20’ to 60’ and over, standard roof slope =1/2:12. Multiple spans, single slope steel building frame: a sloped roof is provided by adding walls of different height on both the sides creating a slope (Armstrong Steel, 2012). Width =10’ to 600’ and over, Height =20’ to 60’ and over, Standard roof slope =1/2:12. The above options may provide the main frame, but free standing pallet racks may be required separately to store the goods. A teardrop style is used to manufacture these racks. The pallets rest on the horizontal load beams that are held in position by mounting clips. The shelves can be adjusted
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Negatives Use of Reinfusion Drains in the Surgical Setting Research Paper
The Negatives Use of Reinfusion Drains in the Surgical Setting - Research Paper Example This can be due to using unsterilized tubes or getting infected instruments into the delicate internals of the patient. There are also cases where patients had the pipes physically damaging the delicate internal parts during insertion or removal or from mechanical failure of the machines used in the process (Helms & Quan, 2006). Placing the tubes inferior to the pleural cavity has been found out to increase chances of damaging the spleen, liver or diaphragm. In the very unlucky cases, there have been injuries to the heart or other blood veins especially when the affected area occurs near the heart. The minor issues arising from the procedure include coughing especially after the removal of a large amount of liquid or air which creates a kind of vacuum in the chest cavity (Norton, 2008). Shortness of breath is also a common occurrence usually accompanied by a feeling of anxiety after the procedure. Most pains go away after the tube is removed from the body and therefore should not worry the patient in any way. Care should be taken though that persistent pain is checked in the shortest time possible since there could be internal injuries. The minor complications are usually associated with the general process and common among all those who have undergone the process (DeWald, 2003). The most important cautionary measure that medical practitioners undertaking this process need to take into consideration though is the prevention of clogging of the tubes during the fluid, pus or air removal (Atluri, 2006).
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