Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Essay on Mark Twain a+ Grade Essay
Few people across america have not more than once come across the name of Mark Twain, a name spoken throughout the country for the 100 years since his death. Mark Twain is the best example of a great american author, foremost for his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Few people past the sixth grade have not at least heard of Tom sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Proving the impact this piece has had on America. Life wasn’t always peachy for Mark Twain though, Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Twain went through a cacophony of hardships on his way to fame. His father died when he was only eleven, and he was sent off to apprentice for a printer named Ament. He later got a job as a journalist which got him on his way to becoming an esteemed writer. Life after fame however brought more heartbreak than good with the death of his wife and later his wife. He took much pleasure in his four-legged friends however, and is well know as an avid cat lover. Twain is most well known for his piece The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It is an american classic, portraying young Tom sawyer and his friend Huck Finn in an adventure, ending in the capture of Injun Joe, a man who murdered the doctor and who had a cave full of treasures. Mark Twain pulls the reader in whilst keeping attention with chapters teeming with action, adventure, suspense and romance. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was followed by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, an exciting sequel that received just as much if not more praises from readers across america. Some may wonder what possessed Mark Twain as to why he became a writer, when the answer is quite clear. Upon his father’s death in 1846, Young Samuel Clemens was sent off to apprentice for a printer named Ament, in exchange for board and clothing. He then became a typesetter, setting the print for various newspapers in his hometown.He did that for another four years before writing small articles for his brother Orion’s small newspaper. Clemens moved to Nevada and worked as a miner in Virginia City before finding work at the local paper, The Territorial Enterprise, where he first used his pen name. â€Å"Mark Twain†was taken from the steamboat man’s measuring cry that signaled water was deep enough for safe passage. Life after Fame was both sweet and sour for Mark Twain at this point. Though he rarely ever invited visitors into his home, Mark Twain truly enjoyed the company of his cats. It was even noted in an ad from Royal Crown Cola in the 1940’s about Twain’s disposition and his love for his cats. It is stated that he lived with up to nineteen at one time. In 1905 one of Mark Twain’s cats, a big gorgeous black cat named Bambino, ran away and Twain was devastated. He offered a reward seeking the return of his cat. The cat was found by Twain’s secretary. Sadly, Twain’s last years were marked with depression, brought on by the death of a daughter, his wife and close friends. He began his autobiography in 1906, and it is unsure when it was actually finished after its recent discovery. He died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, in Redding, Connecticut, where he was buried on his wife’s family plot. It is indisputable the impact Mark Twain’s writing has had on society as a whole, his name scattered across america and known by millions. His two most popular books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have gone down in history as priceless american classics, and continue to be treasured more than one-hundred years after their creation.Fame and fortune was bittersweet for him however, and though he took much pride and joy in his esteemed feline friends, he went through a period of extreme loss shortly before his own death. It is a well known fact, that Mark Twain has left his mark on American History, and will be remembered for centuries to come.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Genetically Modified Food Essay
According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, also known as USDA, in the United States more than 90% of soybeans, cotton, corn, and certain other crops are genetically engineered. GMOs are organisms that are introduced into plants or meat to alter their DNA. Their main purpose is to create food that can withstand many different environments and climates. The problem with GMO’s is that they have been shown to create health problems. For example, some substances have been shown to increase allergies and the risk of cancer. This is a huge problem for our country right now but what is being done? Do people really know that GMO’s are in their food? The US government should impose stricter regulations on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) because GMOs have not been properly investigated. They pose numerous health risks to the consumers and large GMO corporations care only about the bottom lineâ€â€profitsâ€â€and do not have the consumer’s best interest in m ind. Regulations of GMOs have always been an issue from the very beginning. Since the Regan days, federal regulatory efforts have governed by what is known as the Coordinated Framework for regulation of Biotechnology. The Coordinated Framework of Biotech believes in the idea that overseeing GMOs requires no new laws. An example of poor regulation method is the new genetically modified (GM) type of Kentucky bluegrass that will be able to withstand the Roundup herbicide. The Approval was admitted by the US Department of Agriculture. The Plant Pest Act is the only regulation available to control GM crops. Which means that the USDA has no obligation to regulate GM Crops, the courts have no way of intervening an the biotech industry can do whatever it wants with absolutely no oversight at all. â€Å"According to Doug Gurian-Sherman, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Food and Environment Program, the documents released by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health In spection Service (APHIS) along with the announcement portend a major change in how the feds will deal with genetically modified crops.† (Philpott,Tom) Even though a percentage of consumers believe that there should be stronger regulations on GMOs food the other half believes that genetically modified food should not be banned but closely monitored.(Meade, Conner) Conor Meade an Ecology professor at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth believes that the assessment of the ecological risk posed by GM is a bad idea. With environmental and health concerns over GM Food, there has not been any scientific evidence that has determined that they are not safe. This is the counter argument for why there should be continuing research on GM foods in the United States. We should not ban GM research but continue to investigate the health risk factors that GMO foods pose to the consumers. There is an argument that states that Genetically Engineered Crops will feed the world, Jeffrey Scott. Believes Genetic Engineering Is Natural and Should Be persuade. Coker further states In the United States and elsewhere, more than 90% of soybeans, cotton, corn, and certain other crops are Already genetically engineered, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Another example is â€Å"Bt†technology, which involves plants producing a protein from Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterium that is toxic to most insects. In Hawaii, for example, genetically engineered papaya trees have rescued the entire papaya industry. Researchers at the University of California-Riverside and the International Rice Research Institute have created varieties of rice that can withstand being submerged underwater for almost two weeks, which can save crops during years of flooding. Genetic engineering will allow crops of the future to be better tasting, more nutritious, more tolerant of environm ental stresses, and less allergenic. Foods will also last longer before spoiling, allowing food to be distributed more easily. Biotech industries claim that genetically engineered (GE) crops will help agriculture become mores sustainable and help stop world hunger. In reality, most GE crops are designed to allow more herbicides, such as Monsabto’s Roundup, which causes local farmers to use more toxic herbicides, not less. â€Å"A 2010 Chemical Research in Toxicology study found that glyphosate-based herbicides caused highly abnormal deformities and neurological problems in vertebrates. Another study found that glyphosate caused DNA damage to human cells even at lower exposure levels than recommended by the herbicide’s manufacturer.†( Debra A. Miller) By 2009, nearly all (93 percent) U.S. soybeans and four-fifths (80 percent) of corn cultivated were grown from seeds covered by Monsanto patents. Biotech corn seed prices increased 9 percent annually between 2002 and 2008; soybean seed prices rose 7 percent annually. By 2009, Roundup Ready soybean seeds cost twice as much as conventional seeds. Which makes you think how will developing countries afford the seeds or even consider GM seeds because of the health risk. Biotech companies also sued farmers that allegedly violated their patents. By 2007, Monsanto had filed 112 lawsuits against U.S. farmers for patent infringement, recovering between $85.7 and $160.6 million. Biotech companies are not solving the problem but inly making it worse. (Ed. Debra A. Miller)
Monday, July 29, 2019
How Japanese Religion is Depicted in “Spirited Away”
This can be seen as foreshadowing of what will happen further in the movie, when Choir is somewhat arced, or challenged, to leave behind her naivety and fear for courage and bravery to be able to handle what is to come in her future. The movie begins with a scene very similar to The Wizard of Oz – a turbulent trip followed by a strange Journey through spiritual and emotional growth, where the main character is in limitability. Choir and her parents take a wrong turn and follow a very rough secondary road to what they thought would be their home in the distance.This is what I believe to be the beginning of the display of Japanese religion, here statues, idols, and religious structures are seen. They end up at what appears to be an old abandoned shrine. This shrine is surrounded by tiny house-like structures, which the mother states are â€Å"spirit houses†for the spirits to live in. Everyone exits the car and decides to explore this abandoned area, which the father stat es might be an old theme park no longer in business.The family begins to enter a tunnel leading into the abandoned building. The travel portrayed by the family walking through a physical structure could be seen as the pathway between two orals, old and new. As the family goes through the shrine and emerge on the other side, they begin looking for food that they have smelled. When they find it, the mother and father sit down and begin eating, encouraging Choir to also try it.She feels something is not right, so while her parents are gorging on food, Choir explores the rest of the area. This is very symbolic individuals need to make the journey of spiritual growth on their own. She comes up on a huge bathhouse where she meets Master Haiku. The bathhouse is symbolic in Shinto religion, which refers jack to rural Shinto tradition of villagers and rural people to call upon the Kim (or spirits) to come out and bathe in their village baths.There is also symbolism in meeting Master Haiku, a s he states â€Å"has known Choir since she was very little†– similar to what we see in the relationship displayed in Christianity or Hinduism between God(s) and the individual. It is after meeting Haiku that Choir begins her journey through this spirit world. Shortly after meeting Haiku, darkness falls and Choir sees that she is becoming transparent. Haiku finds her and tells her to eat food of this world†so she doesn't disappear. This â€Å"food†was displayed in the movie as only a small berry.This berry is extremely symbolic, showing that one must take in (even Just small) pieces of the spiritual world to remain whole, or present, and to prevent from becoming transparent within the spiritual world. This could also suggest that without taking in â€Å"food†from the spiritual world, one simply becomes transparent and without substance within the real world. Haiku gives instructions to Choir as to how to survive this lamina Journey and leaves he r. Choir is quite frightened but Haiku tells her that she will be reunited with her parents soon.This is another example of foreshadowing, as we do not know for certain at this point that Choir will be reunited with them, but it is clear to Haiku that she will definitely be reunited. Choir continues her Journey, begging for a Job in the bathhouse to prevent being turned into an animal or vegetable. This references the Shinto belief that everything in life is gift giving – human, animals, and vegetation. But in order to experience the Kim in all vegetation and animals, one has to be pure of heart and mind in such a way that is difficult to attain.This is present in our everyday lives, as we are aware and involved with animals and vegetation, but it is possible that we do not experience the Kim of these things because our hearts and minds are too engrossed and polluted by worldly events, possessions, and unnecessary things. To be able to experience this Kim, we must cleanse our spirits and minds, Just as Choir moved through the various parts of the bathhouse beginning in the very dirty AOL area, and moving through various cleaner parts of the bathhouse.During her time in the bathhouse, Choir meets many new characters. The black ghost-like creatures are the souls of the dead of those who had regrets or worries. This is symbolic, showing that the person must be present-focused in their lives to avoid this punishment. â€Å"No Face†is another character met within the movie. This character initially shows selfishness and behaves like a tyrant; growth of this character is seen very parallel with Choir and toward the end of the movie, No Face learns to be kind ND genuine and helps Granny to knit a harridan to keep Choir safe.Through the various tests that Yuba (the Witch of the bathhouse) puts Choir through, Choir is able to purify and cleanse her heart and mind in such a way that she grows spiritually and emotionally as a person. Through this growth, s he is able to help Haiku remember his true identity. Although Choir was given an alternate identity (â€Å"Seen†) during her time at the bathhouse, she is also able to remember her own name, and is ultimately reunited with her parents.Once they have all returned to the car, Choir is the only one who remembers the Journey, though physical traces of dust and leaves on the car show that they have been gone for quite some time. Another Japanese cultural and religious perspective is seen in the fact that this is a very family-oriented movie. Everyone starts out together as a family, separates for some time while Choir learns to make selfless choices for the good of reunifying her family, then reunites at the end with Choir having gained the attitude that she will try to adjust to the new life for her family.
AQ-TD#1 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
AQ-TD#1 8 - Essay Example Influence can be generated through trustworthiness, competence and credibility. By influencing the other nurses, an advocate can build a case for the needed change (Almidei, 2010). Additionally, it is vital to establish positive, cooperative relationships with the other nurses in order to have them in the advocacy. Collaboration would allow the advocate to share a common goal with the other nurses. With this, the advocate would include the other nurses by involving them in the development of the common goals and strategies on how to attain the desired change (Almidei, 2010). Arguably, developing a collaborative relationship with nurses in other departments would make a valuable contribution. However, collaboration would be effective with communication to the other nurses. In essence, advocacy depends on communication. In order to bring the other nurses to share with the advocacy, an advocate would require to communicate the issue to the other nurses in order to convince them to join him or her (Mason et al., 2011). This would serve as a way of including other nurses in the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Real fashion marketing campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Real fashion marketing campaign - Essay Example The paper "Real fashion marketing campaign" concerns the success of the Nike company. Reebok and other rivals of Nike were getting the better of it in the late 1980s but after the Just Do It campaign everything changed significantly. The main idea of this campaign was to convince the consumers to accept sneakers as a fashion statement and that is precisely what they did. The new range of shoes became a fashion statement and almost everyone jumped on the bandwagon and the campaign became a huge success. A few years later Nike was quick to capitalize on the fitness and jogging craze, they rolled out merchandize which looked very attractive and sold like hot cakes. Aerobics was also gaining popularity and the top brass working for Nike was aware of it, the ad campaign never focused on the product, the sole focus was on the person wearing the merchandize and Nike recruited the best athletes to feature in their commercials. This was another reason for the mass popularity of the just do it campaign. â€Å"The â€Å"Just Do It†campaign received mixed ratings, ranging from â€Å"an instant classic†to â€Å"sociopathic.†One critic went so far as to say the ads were â€Å"an impatient bordering-on-contemptuous exhortation to the masses. Cool is one thing. Poverty of warmth is another.†Eventually the campaign was credited with embracing not just resolve and purpose, but also the â€Å"beauty, drama and moral uplift of sportâ€â€even, every now and then, fun.†Bo Jackson, John McEnroe, Michael Jordon were some of the athletes.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10
Taxation - Essay Example This new progressive income tax introduced by Pitt saw the people remitting a levy of 2 old pence for every pound on incomes that were more than  £60 (this minimum amount was reviewed in 2014 and fixed at  £5348). The levy actually increased up to a maximum amount of 2 shillings (10 percent) particularly on incomes more than  £200. Pitt had projected a total receipt of  £10 million from the new tax but in actual sense it raised just over  £6 million in 1799 (James, 2009, pg. 30). This income tax introduced by Pitt was levied between 1799 and 1802 and was abolished by Henry Addington basically during the peace of Amiens. Addington had actually taken over as prime Minister following the resignation of Pitt in 1801 as a result of Catholic Emancipation. Recommence of the hostilities in 1803 saw the reintroduction of income tax by Addington; however, it was re-abolished in 1816 a year after the Waterloo Battle. Income Tax Act 1842 by Sir Robert Peel again saw the reintroduction of the income tax in the United Kingdom due to the growing deficit in the budget. This new income was only levied on incomes above  £150 which in 2014 was fixed at  £11,956 (James, 2009, pg. 41). Income tax in the UK has practically changed over the years. Firstly it was levied on a person’s income even though the persons were not beneficially entitled to the income which was taxed however; at the moment a person pays tax only on the income to which they are beneficially entitled. In 1965, an introduction of corporation tax took out most companies from the then income tax net. Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970 consolidated the changes in the taxation. Further, there were changes in the taxation schedules. For instance, in 1988, Schedule B was abolished, in 1996, Schedule C was abolished and in 2003, schedule E was also abolished. The remaining Schedules were then superseded by an act introduced in 2005(Income Tax (Trading and other Income) Act 2005 particularly for the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Affirmative Action Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Affirmative Action - Research Paper Example hold 69 % of white-collar positions, only 10 % of them are in the management position; in the private business sector, employees of Asian origin make up 87% of its professionals but only 1.3% of them are in the management position; generally, the ratio for employees holding white-collar positions in the US is 3 out of 7 employees, but for Blacks it is 1 of 7; Blacks get 50 % of menial jobs in the US such as garbage collectors and maids, and only 4% of managerial positions (Taylor 1991, National Center for Education Statistics 1990, Schwartz 1984, Vetter 1989, and Pave 1986, quoted in Beauchamp 1997, 216). While the US prides its self to be the epitome of freedom and equality with civil liberties deeply engraved in its constitution, data above clearly contradict this claim. Aiming to correct past mistakes and to pursue fairness and equality by taking legal measures against racial, religious and ethnic discrimination in employment (in the years to come, gender discrimination was also included) President John F. Kennedy, barely two months after assuming office, issued Executive Order 10925 on March 6, 1961 creating his Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity charged to take affirmative action that ensures the federal government and its contractors observe equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons in the government. This consequentially has institutionalized the US government’s commitment to affirmative action (Cohen 2003,12). President Kennedy’s Executive Order introducing affirmative action to the consciousness of the American people was followed by succeed ing Acts further institutionalizing affirmative action: The Civil Rights Act signed on July 2, 1964 and Executive Order 11246 issued on September 24, 1965 both by President Lyndon Johnson; and The Philadelphia Order initiated by President Richard Nixon in 1969 (Brunner 2007, 1). Thus, affirmative action has come to mean â€Å"positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Is there is any differences between UK Accounting Ethics Standards and Essay
Is there is any differences between UK Accounting Ethics Standards and US Accounting Ethics Standards - Essay Example To the extent that the ASCs pronouncements, known as Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs), have not been replaced by FRSs, they remain in force. The ASB has a formal exposure process for proposed standards. Early concepts are issued as Discussion Papers. These are released to the public and comments invited. Where a new standard is to be proposed, a Financial Reporting Exposure Draft (FRED) is released for comment. The standard in final form is only issued when comments have been incorporated or addressed. This aims to address the criticisms levelled at the ASC, whose comment process was less rigorous. Issues that require an immediate solution are considered by the Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF). The UITF comprises a number of senior figures from industry and accounting firms. It meets as necessary to consider pressing issues and issues Abstracts which become binding immediately. The principal legislation governing reporting in the UK is laid down in the Companies Act 1985 (as amended by the Companies Act 1989 and subsequent statutory instruments), which incorporates the requirements of European law. The Companies Act sets out certain minimum reporting requirements for companies and, for example, requires limited companies to file their accounts with the Registrar of Companies who makes them available to the general public. From 2005, this framework changed as a result of European law requiring that all listed European companies report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). In the UK, companies which are not listed have the option to report either under IFRSs or under UK GAAP[2]. Recently issued UK FRSs have, in any case replicated the wording of corresponding IFRSs, reducing the differences between the two sets of standards significantly. Each of the current UK accounting standards are explained below
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership - Essay Example Students need to be motivated to acquire knowledge through the use of scholarly material and develop appropriate skills of critical thinking to synthesize information to optimize learning experience. The role of education leaders therefore becomes hugely important for creating a facilitating environment of learning within and outside academia for students. Significance of Information literacy Turusheva (2009) has broadly defined information literacy as the ability of individual to locate information and critically evaluate it for using it efficiently to improve learning experience. Scholarly material is important for advancing knowledge and technology greatly helps to access myriad information at the shortest possible time. Google has become major platform for accessing information on internet, both by students and people at large. The teachers become key facilitators for imparting skills and promoting effective mechanisms of locating pertinent information in academia. Indeed, the le adership initiatives of educators have increasing become critical paradigm that shapes the mindset of young scholars and encourage them for information literacy that can exploit their ability to think critically. Indeed, it has been acknowledged as important educational goal that promotes critical thinking and effective decision making for solving problems based on informed choice (Li & Lester, 2009). Information literacy has therefore emerged as vital tool for developing skills and capabilities for mastering the academic content and applying the same in learning processes as well as in their lives. The purpose is to enhance scholarship through practice and inculcate skills for life long learning. Information literacy is intrinsic part of education that should be fostered from the early education so that later on, students are better equip to synthesize information from various sources for maximising their academic achievements (Badke, 2009). This is a very pertinent issue because u nless the habit of information literacy is inculcated within students from their early years, they would not be able to discern the importance of credible information and apply it successfully within their education or use it in their lives. Russell (2009) has also corroborated that many students lack information competencies when they go for higher education. The gap makes it difficult for them to maintain their grades. Thus, it needs to be part of curricula as it broadens perspective of education and offers students with more opportunities to differentiate the important issue from the irrelevant ones. Technology has considerably contributed to information literacy. The Google search engine is the most popular tool to locate academic and no-academic source of information. But internet needs to be used judiciously for optimizing learning. While it has made it easy for students to seek information, it has also reduced one’s power of concentration and reshaped intellectual capa bilities. Carr (2002) says that internet surfers have increasingly developed the habit of skimming the text. This adversely impacts their learning processes as lack of focus and concentration also leads to lack of in-depth knowledge about important issues. Scholars’ concern on the validity of the same is therefore genuine when they question the accuracy or credibility of the information and critical evaluation of the same (Badke, 2009;
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Globalisation And Regionalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Globalisation And Regionalisation - Essay Example Consequent to the implementation of the neo-liberal economic agenda upon the global economy, implying the removal of barriers to trade and most forms of protectionism, 90% of the global GDP was owned and controlled by just under 20% of the North's citizens, while 20% of the South's citizens controlled and owned under 1% of the global GDP ('Why the World,' 2005). In addition to that, and as Longsworth (1999) reports, the combined wealth of Microsoft's three top executives exceeds the combined wealth of fifty LDCs. Indeed, globalisation has substantially and dangerously expanded the gap between the haves and the have-nots, as evidenced through the fact that the income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest was 30:1 in 1960, 60:1 in 1990,and jumped to 74:1 in 1997 (Indonesia's despair,'2000). Economic statistics establish globalisation as an instrument for the transference of wealth and resources from the South to the nor th, from the poor to the rich and not, as its proponents have claimed a strategy for the elimination of poverty and underdevelopment. The means by which globalisation transfers wealth and resources from the have-nots to the haves are, within the context of any discussion on regionalization versus globalisation, extremely informative. Globalisation, as earlier stated, has imposed neo-liberal economic agendas upon national economies, dictating the virtual withdrawal of states from their domestic economies and constraining their powers to exercise protectionism, if only to allow their infant industries the space and time to grow and stabilize. As Schwam-Baird (2003) writes, insofar as both developing and single national economies are concerned, the consequences are potentially... The United States, both fuelled and fortified by its multinationals has emerged, not only as the world's only superpower but as an unequaled and unmatched force. More importantly, it is a force which is determined to overwhelm and consume other nations. Single economies, irrespective of their individual strength, cannot resist this power/force alone but can as a collectivity. Indeed, they can should they respond through the formation of their own `empire,' a union of nations which, besides being capable of surviving globalization, possibly thriving under it, can emerge as a counterforce to the American empire. Consequently, from this interpretive perspective, not only is regionalization a strategy for survival under, and resistance to, globalization but it is, potentially, a project for the resistance of the American Empire through the recreation of the bipolar world order. In the final analysis, regionalization is, quite incontrovertibly, a counterforce to globalization, with it bei ng quite valid to argue that, as a phenomenon, it rose in direct response to globalization. This should hardly be surprising considering the fact that globalization functions as a very real threat, not only to the economic survival, political independence and national sovereignty of the nations of the South but, to the countries of the North. Regionalisation, as such, emerges as a strategy for the pooling of national resources and unifying for the maximisation of strength and, hence, capacity to resist and survive.
Correlations between prayer and evangelism Research Paper - 1
Correlations between prayer and evangelism - Research Paper Example Prayers are essential for spreading the gospel through evangelism. The paper will seek to discuss the correlation between the prayers and evangelism in relation to the teachings from the bible. The most essential tool for effective evangelism is said to be prayers. All the great awakening that has happened in the church history since the time of Apostles to the present gospel has been attributed to prayers. Even if great awakening has come as a result of great preaching, prayer has always been the center of breakthrough in these preaching messages. One of the best illustrations on prayer as a great tool in evangelism is found in Acts 1:14. During this time, Peter and other apostles were engaged in a prayer as they were preparing to spread the gospel to the world. Though the main focus of this prayer was to find a replacement for Judas, the prayer was also aimed at strengthening their faith towards evangelism which they were about to start. Through this prayer there were many people who converted to Christianity thus indicating that prayer led to effective evangelism. In Acts 2:4, the bible reports that the effect of the prayers led to conversion of more than 3,000 souls to the Christian community (Torrey, 2009). According to the Epistle of Timothy, Paul urges the church to engage in prayers of intercession and thanksgiving for all people and especially for those who have not been saved so that they can be transformed to the knowledge of truth and life of holiness. In the book of 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Paul convinces Timothy that through prayers, God would be pleased and since He cares for those who are not saved, and he want them to now the light. He outlines that he would want all men to engage in prayer through Jesus Christ who is the mediator between God and men. He states that one of the most important responsibilities of church is to commit to the work of God by praying for those that have not
Monday, July 22, 2019
A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay Example for Free
A Teacher’s Involvement on Education Reform Essay Student achievement is constantly changing. Today’s students are being prepared to face the real world that requires them to have exceeding abilities and knowledge. On the global economic aspect of today, students are asked to understand the fundamentals and at the same time be able to think critically. They must analyze and make inferences. It is the teacher’s task to develop these skills in the students. They must prepare them for any changes in the assessment of the school, especially when this approach is of the large scale and high-stake level. Education in the United States has been reformed countless times – all for various reasons. The changes in the knowledge and skills that are aimed for success go hand in hand with the understanding of how students learn. The relationship between the instruction given in schools and the assessment of the students through exams change the learning goals that are set for them and their schools. Therefore, the need for education reform. 1 Before, society can get by with the basic reading and arithmetic skills. This was during the industrial age. However, we are now in an information age. Individuals are required to have access to the interpretation and analysis of the information that they use in order to come up with decisions. Studies show that the skills and competencies mentioned in the previous sentence are the requirements to succeed in the workplace. 2 To adapt to these changes, the content standards of education – skills, knowledge and behavior of the students – must be achieved at a higher level. This is developed at the national, as well as the state areas of science, mathematics, history and geography. In this process, student assessment is the focus and the center of the efforts on matters concerning educational improvements. The policymakers intend to change the assessment that will allow teachers and schools to have different approaches. Assessment reform is not an excuse for a new regime by teachers. This is targeted to the students with the help of the development efforts of the teachers. These include curriculum reform, improving instruction and getting new instructional materials. A number of policymakers and educators believe that the assessment of the students reflect the lessons that they were taught. It’s true that the assessment influences the format of instruction. Contrary to the understanding of today’s students on how they learn their lessons, the assessments are particularly traditional. Most exams still follow the multiple-choice and the true-false format. These test facts determine the skill in an isolated approach. It seldom requires the students to apply what they really know, making it hard to determine what they are capable of doing in real life situations. The standardized tests do not match the content standards. Relying too much on these kinds of assessment often result to an instruction that only focuses on the basic knowledge and skills. It does not encourage the institution to reform the instruction give to the students. Engaged learning will prepare the students better for the 21st century. That being said, it only makes sense that the tests the students take encourage aggressive learning. 3 The notion that learning comes about by the accretion of little bits is outmoded learning theory. Current models of learning based on cognitive psychology contend that learners gain understanding when they construct their own cognitive maps of the interconnections among concepts and facts. Thus, real learning cannot be spoon-fed, one skill at a time. 4 Educators, policymakers and parents are starting to realize that the basic learning abilities are no longer enough. They need the students to have the skills they learned in school and the abilities they need upon leaving school all at the same time. Schools are expected to assist students in developing these competencies which they will use in real and authentic situations. The establishments are expected to graduate students who have these abilities – students who excel on both the standardized and the alternative assessments. During the last decade, the education community in the United States went through a proliferation of reform efforts that are standardized-driven. Its main objective is to increase the achievement level of the students. They want students from the United States achieve the same level of competitiveness with other industrialized nations. The education community also wants to restore the public confidence in the education. Once these are achieved, then it provides the standards-setting bodies the primary ways on how the classroom teachers can be involved in the reforming process. The federal government is a prominent player in the reforming efforts one educations. It goes all the way back in March 1994 when President Clinton signed the â€Å"Goals 2000: Educate America Act. It was the legislation that created the framework which allowed states to adopt and construct the education reform strategies by incorporating the three Goals principles: 1. ) rigorous academic standards. 2. ) alignment of curriculum, textbooks and teacher education and 3. ) clear incentives to encourage students to strive to meet high standards. Also, in 1987, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or the NBPTS was formed in order to articulate the standards of excellence to what teachers must know and should know. NBPTS has an assessment system that determines the eligibility of the educators for the National Board certification. At the same time, the Council of Chief State School Officers has established the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) to produce the model standards for the initial teacher licensure. INTASC standards are based on NBPTS standards. In 1987, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) started using the revised accreditation standards for teacher education institutions. This also reflects NBPTS standards. It calls for better performance, higher admissions and graduate standards. NCATE encourages the teachers to prepare the reforms on education at a content standard that has appeared from projects such as the NCTMs. There are three kinds of national standards which currently receive attention from the American government. The content standards focus on the curriculum, the performance standards concentrate on the student work and the assessment, and the school delivery standards which centers on the resources and support for the schools, teachers and students. The building figures from the consensus prominently show that the standards- setting movement of the schools and teachers has had de facto standards for the content areas that are mentioned in the Goals. These are affected by the textbook manufactures and the performance standards that are set by the testing companies. In contrast to this, the standards development projects of recent years have tried to get a base of support for a ny academic improvement. The involvement of teacher in the professional standards development can be seen in various areas: 1. The teachers function as the standards. A lot of members of the NBPTS standards committees are accomplished and celebrated teachers. Classroom teachers are members of the NCATE board and the Standards Committee serve as the team which evaluates the teacher preparation programs. The Standard Project is there to develop the assessment standards. It also serves as the instrument for a national system of voluntary student examination. It engages the teachers in developing the tests items and refining the content standards in order to come up with better scores from the students. 2. Teachers are the subjects of the fields that are new to test standards. Since they participate in the NBPTS field test, the INTAST assessments are conducted by teachers. 3. Teachers serve as the translators of the content standards. They apply this in a teachable classroom setting. By working with the scholars, the teachers build the contend standards in a state curriculum framework. They come up with lesson plans which are the operations for the standards they intend to meet. 4. Because they bargain units and have professional associations, teachers serve as the initiators of the standards-setting projects. Take this for example, the Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students was developed by the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the National Education Association. 5. Teachers also serve as the critics of the national standards that set the efforts on education reform. The seven model standards that have been developed and supported by the Board of Education have circulated drafts of the standards documents. It also solicits the comment from the teachers and the parents. It is very important that teachers are on the panels in order to oversee the projects. The promotion of students’ critical thinking skills, active engagement in learning and deeper understanding of the subject matter is â€Å"teaching for understanding. †The classroom teachers must be engaged in teaching and understanding the lessons that they teach to the students. The research and the experience are collaborated and are jointly reported. Teachers must also focus on the policy considerations, starting with the perspectives in the classroom and emphasizing on the need for the field-based research that are needed for the multiple contexts of teaching. However, the involvement of teachers also varies on the perception of the school leadership. There are some teachers that perceive the costs of involvement in education reform outweigh the benefits. There are also some teachers who choose to not get involved because it means that this will influence other school policies. With this in mind, this proves that there are two kinds of decisions: the managerial, which is made by the administrators and the technical, which concentrates on the goal. Most teachers prefer being involved in the process than coming up with technical decisions. 7 Then there are some teachers that argue that education reform cannot be imposed on a unilateral approach. Teachers must endorse their new responsibilities and roles, as long as there is a time and enough resources to go about it. Schools depend on the cooperation, relation and interdependence of the staff members that plans such as these must be consistent with the norms that already exist. 8 Schools must also consider the current staff development. There are some models that do not help the teachers in handling the complex reforms that are currently being implemented. Dominant models work perfectly when the specific practices or skills are transferred. The current reforms need teachers to be intellectual. They must grapple the new ways in order to implement the principles and ideas in their daily work. The five steams of reform are challenges to the teachers. 9 Finally, there are the different studies of teachers when it comes to leadership roles. There are conditions that are particularly good prospects when it comes to leadership. By investing in roles that are dignified and not simply powerful, the organizational incentives needed for collaboration results to agreements which protect and separate the interest of the administrators and the teachers. This is a good thing because its final result is that it complies with the policies which support the education reform. Drawing from four different studies of teachers in leadership roles, the author examines the conditions for teacher productivity in schools. Little identifies five conditions as particularly likely to advance or erode the prospects for teacher leadership: define leadership tasks that are important, not trivial; invest leadership roles with dignity, not simply power over others; have organizational incentives for collaboration; avoid agreements that protect the separate interests of teachers and administrators; and have district policies that support teacher leadership, especially those on recruitment, selection, placement, and evaluation of principals. 10 Sometimes it is better to give movie examples. Over the years, there are countless movie releases that show teachers defying the school’s rules in order to provide what is best for their students. In â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, Michelle Pfeiffer encourages her students to read poetry instead of hanging out in the street and ruining their lives by getting involved in drugs, sex and gangsters. In the â€Å"Sister Act 2†, Whoopi Goldberg helms a choir consisting of African American students from the ghettos. Like Pfeiffer in â€Å"Dangerous Minds†, this is the nun’s distraction for the students to make something out of their lives. But a recent movie that depicts educational reform and teacher’s involvement best is the TV movie â€Å"Walkout. †It tells the story of the Mexican-American students in Los Angeles high schools in 1968. They staged a boycott in order to improve the quality of education for Chicanos. Actor-director Edward James Olmos (who plays Jennifer Lopez’ dad in â€Å"Selena) appears and directs in the movie. â€Å"Walkout†was skillfully directed and presented a simple story told in a direct manner. There is a frank portrayal of the unacceptable educational standards in the schools that are attended by the Mexican-American students. In one scene, two Chicano students were slapped on their behinds because they spoke in Spanish. This was only one of the rules in American schools which Mexican-American activists wanted to reform. They want to speak in Spanish whenever they want to because Spanish is their language. For teachers who want a peg in participating in educational reforms, they can look at Sal Castro played by Michael Pena (Jennifer Lopez’ brother in â€Å"Selena. ) He is a dedicated high school history teacher who is the instrument in stirring idealism in his students. He didn’t want them to be violent activists. He encouraged reform but he reminded them that this can be done in a united and peaceful protest. The focal point of the story is Paula Crisostomo (Alexa Vega) who is an exceptional student. She risked her graduation in order to be part of the Lincoln High School walkout. â€Å"Walkout†captures the passion of Paula and her classmates. The parents strongly resisted at the earlier part of the film, but later on they slowly understood the reason behind the activism of their children. The entire cast, played by young performers, is convincing. It is true that â€Å"Walkout†is a film but this is a depiction of something that happened in 1968 which changed history. Because of that walk-out, Mexican-American students are given a voice. The teacher participated in his own way in the education reform his students want granted. Those who watched this movie for the first time were unaware of the Chicano movement of 1968. They were surprised to find out that there was a time Universities kept Chicanos out. Teachers sacrifice their efforts and their time in order to concretize the goals they want for their students. Education reform may not be achieved with just one snap of a finger but that does not mean that teachers should stop trying there and then. For this very reason of reform, teachers and students are more motivated to strive toward success. Education reform is a right that must be made the most out of. It could be better opportunities for the teachers as well as the students. Once the school is presented an option to have an education, then they must seize it. It may be puzzling at first but the absence of education reform can have dire effects on the effective teaching in schools. Research shows that successful schools have reformed their education in relation to the demands of today’s information age. By viewing teaching as the central activity of organizations, more and more educational bodies are encouraging schools to take part of education reform. By proposing the norms, conducts, standards and practices which will serve as the central dialogue and observation of teaching, activities and practices that are related to providing a curriculum and materials needed by the school, students and teachers will be open to the recognition of teacher’s involvement in the whole educational reform process.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Criminal Offences And Felony Crimes Criminology Essay
Criminal Offences And Felony Crimes Criminology Essay In the court system we have many different types of crime, some ranging from something as simple as a speeding ticket, to crimes that are unthinkable. Each crime that we have also has a variety of sentencing and things that will happen when said crime is committed. FELONIES: A criminal offense punishable by death or by incarceration in a prison facility for at least one year. A felony is a serious crime; they include murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary and arson. The federal government and many states have moved to a scheme of classifying the seriousness of felonies, using a number or letter designation. For purpose of criminal sentencing, for example, the federal system assigns a score of 43 to first degree murder, while a crime of theft is only rated a base offense level of 4. The persons history of crime is taken into consideration as well. Because of the differences among the states, crimes can be perceived differently. A felony in one state can be just a misdemeanor, and other areas it may not be a crime at all. In the United States a felony can lose certain rights: Loss of voting rights (which the Supreme Court interpreted to be permitted by the Fourteenth Amendment) Exclusion from obtaining certain licenses Exclusion from purchase and possession of firearms, ammunition and body armor Ineligibility for public office Ineligibility for serving on a jury Deportation (if the criminal is not a citizen) The consequences of committing a crime are serious; a felony conviction is at the very least one year in prison. But the terms of incarceration can vary a lot. U.S federal courts have sentencing guidelines, which suggest the period of imprisonment and fine for each offense. Courts can use these as standards but they are not required to use those guidelines to impose a sentence upon a convicted person. Wisconsin Felony Penalties: Class (A) felony: imprisonment for life: however, for a repeat offender, the term of imprisonment may increase up to 2 years to 6 years. (first degree intentional homicide, felony murder) Class (B) felony: up to 60 years, imprisonment may increase up to 2 to 6 years with a prior conviction. (Second degree intentional homicide, (manslaughter), first degree reckless homicide, conspiracy, first degree sexual assault, kidnapping) Class  © felony: the penalty is a fine of up to $100,000 or up to 40 years, or both, repeat offender 2 -6 years with a prior conviction. (felony drunk driving, 5th or subsequent offense, 2nd degree sexual assault, kidnapping, arson, robbery, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated) Class (D) felony: $100,000 fine or up to 25 years or both. Prior convictions may increase from 2-6 years depending on it being a misdemeanor or felony.( Felony drunk driving, 5th or subsequent offense, felony vehicular homicide, vehicular homicide while intoxicated, child enticement, solicitation of a child) Class (E) felony: $50,000 fine 15 years or both, increase from 2-6 years for prior convictions. (battery, great bodily harm, burglary, robbery) Class (F) felony: $25,000 fine and up to 12-1/2 years in prison or both, repeat offender 2-6 years longer. (failure to act to prevent sexual assault of a child, sexual exploitation, burglary, stalking, theft) Class (G) felony: $25,000 fine and up to 10 years imprisonment or both longer for prior convictions 2-6 years (negligent homicide, negligent vehicular homicide, embezzlement, theft) Class (H) felony: up to $10,000 fine, and imprisonment up to 6 years or both longer for prior convictions 2-6 years (embezzlement, battery (great bodily harm), false imprisonment, stalking and theft) Class (I) felony: up to $10,000 fine and imprisonment up to 3-1/2 years or both, 2-6 years longer for prior convictions. (child pornography, embezzlement, battery- (substantial bodily harm) stalking, and theft) Misdemeanor: An offense punishable by incarceration, usually in a local confinement facility, for a period whose upper limit is prescribed by stature in a given jurisdiction, typically less than one year or less. Minor crimes consisting of offenses such as petty theft, which is the theft of items with little worth, normally a person cant be arrested for a misdemeanor unless the crime was committed in front of the officer. Misdemeanors are classified according to their severity. Each misdemeanor classification; provides recommendation for jail sentences and forfeitures (fines). A person convicted of a misdemeanor can be sent to a county or local jail, ordered to pay a fine, or both. Class (A) Misdemeanor: up to a $10,000 fine or prison for up to 9 months or both, repeat offenders may be in prison for up to 2 years. Class (B) Misdemeanor: up to a $1000 fine, 90 days in prison or both, repeat offender can increase time to up to 2 years. Class  © Misdemeanor: up to a $500 fine, and 30 days in prison or both, longer for repeat offender up to 2 years. Both felonies and misdemeanors are criminal charges but with one big difference, Felony you are in a state or federal prison, with a misdemeanor you are in a local or county jail. Offenses: A violation of the criminal law. Also, in some jurisdictions a minor crime, such as jaywalking, that is sometimes described as getting a ticket, others would include spitting on the sidewalk, littering, and traffic violations, including but not limited to not wearing a seatbelt. Another good word for it would be called an infraction, people that commit infractions are usually ticketed and released. Court appearances are usually waived, through payment of a small fine that can be mailed. Treason: A U.S citizens actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the United States, also the attempt to overthrow the government of the society of which you are a member. Special categories of crime do exist and they should be recognized, they are treason espionage, two crimes that are considered as the most serious felonies. In addition to being a federal offense its also a law under most states. Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, or giving them aid and comfort, and no person shall be convicted of treason except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court. Espionage: The gathering, transmitting, or losing of information related to the nation defense in such a manner that the information becomes available to enemies of the United States and may be used to their advantage. Espionage can be committed by noncitizens. Over at least 3 decades, beginning in the 1960s, Chinese spies apparently stole enough weapons-related information to advance Chinas nuclear weapons program into the modern era. An example of espionage is the crime committed by former FBI agent Robert Hanssen. In July 2001,he pleaded guilty in the U.S District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, to 15 counts of espionage and conspiracy against the United States He admitted to passing U.S secrets to Moscow from about 1970 until 2001, when undercover investigators caught him leaving a package for his Russian handlers under a wooden footbridge in a Virginia park. He had accepted more than $1.4 million dollars in cash and diamonds. In exchange for his FULL cooperation he was spared the death penalty and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of husband by his wife (treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a lesser superior was perit treason). Inchoate Crimes: Also called incomplete crimes, are acts which involve the inclination to commit, or indirect participation in, a criminal offense. They include, attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation. Being an accessory or an accomplice to a crime are also inchoate criminal offenses. They used to be considered a minor crime, but today many are considered serious crimes. This is a general rule about inchoate crimes: A person cannot be charged with an inchoate offense and the actual crime. Example: you cant be charged with both murder and attempted murder. The exception is conspiracy, you can be charged with drug trafficking and conspiracy to smuggle drugs. Lesser penalties are usually assigned for inchoate offenses, though the sentence for an inchoate crime may be equal to the penalties for the actual crime. To be convicted of an inchoate crime, the prosecutor must prove that you had a specific intent (mens rea) to commit or contribute to the crime. Inchoate crimes must involve some outward action or a substantial step in the completion of the crime. The person that actually commits the crime is known as the principal and others involved are known as the accomplices. If you commit a bank robbery, and you drive the car, you are just as guilty as the person holding the gun to the bank tellers head. Witnessing a murder and not calling it in, makes you just as guilty as if you committed the murder yourself. Inchoate crimes are highly controversial and often challenging to litigate.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Pragmatism American Philosophy
Pragmatism American Philosophy Bree Dela Rosa William James presents pragmatism as a concept that can be applied when settling two claims that provide contrasting views. Science, religion, and morality each present diverse view on different issues, and James suggests that pragmatism can be used to settle these views. For James, the concept is significant as it offers people with a form of overcoming dilemma when faced with different perspectives from science, morality, and religion and other fields. Indeed, through the application of pragmatism, one realizes that the three areas that present divergent views are not in any competition. Further, for James, pragmatism is a method of settling metaphysical disputes that might otherwise be interminable (James, 94) he believes that the truth has no correspondence with knowledge and we should come to an agreement and act on the truth to make it true. An analysis of the lecture reveals the pragmatic method which is advanced by James, but at the same time raises objections which can be ad dressed by Jamess arguments. James begins his analysis by presenting the pragmatic method and how it can help in solving metaphysical disputes. In this instance, James gives the example of the arguments surrounding the question of whether the world is one or many. Indeed, religious and scientific arguments have been advanced to explain whether the earth is one or many. James argues that there is no practical difference in the viewpoints hence the notions are unending (James, 94) meaning that the application of the concept pragmatic method in such a case is to deduce the respective consequences of each argument, for example from science and religion. If pragmatism demonstrates that there is no practical difference between the arguments, then they are principally the same (James, 94). This example brings out Jamess primary thesis that the pragmatic method can be used to resolve the disputes that arise from different schools of thought. If both parties in the argument do not present a considerable differen ce that would make their argument correct since the disagreement is idle (James, 94), therefore, the distinction makes no sense or has no meaning. For example, in the argument in the number of worlds, science may make a claim that there are some worlds while religion maintains that there is the only one which implies that there is no practical difference in both arguments. James and other scholars advanced the pragmatist theory of truth. In his lecture, James argues that truth is the property of our beliefs. These ideas, which themselves are but parts of our experience become true just in so far as they help us get into satisfactory relations with other parts our experience (James, 100). In this instance, James argues that one must be satisfied with the experiences that they have with the belief so that they can deem it to be true. For example, James gives a case of a squirrel and a man going around a tree with the latter apparently hiding from the man. However, he reminds his friends that it depends on what they mean by going around to get which party is right. The example that he gives to present this theory is how geologists, biologists, and philologists presented their ideas based on events. However, I contemplate that some of the claims that James makes about truth can be criticized. For example, I disagree with James that truth can only happen when the consequences are good as well as work in each way. Additionally, James argues that truth only happens to ideas that are based on previous events. For instance, if a new medication is given during a clinical trial and it works, Jamess pragmatism would not be applicable since it is not based on any past event. Nevertheless, James can address this criticism by referring to his views presented in the lecture. Notably, the theory of truth can provide him with a foundation for arguing against such an argument (James, 100). James can argue that his view of reality is based on an analysis of previous events and observations by other philosophers hence my argument does not hold like in the case of biologists and geologists (James, 100). Moreover, James argues that the claims must be based on events while my claim is not necessarily based on any. For example, the concept that I would come up with can be criticized by James as something that is not based on any past or new events hence cannot be true (James, 100). His argument builds on the occurrence of past events while my concept does not. The idea that I came up with does not fulfill any aspects of the theory of truth presented by James. Hence it could be wrong. Conclusively, William Jamess pragmatism is a concept that can be used to resolve different viewpoints. With the fields of science, religion, and morality presenting divergent views on various aspects with each proponent arguing that theirs is true, pragmatism can help in resolving such disputes. Indeed, James provides an analysis of various examples such as the number of worlds and the squirrel and man to demonstrate his pragmatist method and the theory of truth. In general, it is up to an individual to decide on whether they agree or disagree with Jamess pragmatism.
Neuropsychologist and Patient Perspectives :: Tumors Cancer Neurology Medical Essays
Neuropsychologist and Patient Perspectives There are many classifications of tumors that compress or destroy the hypothalamus. A few forms are craniopharyngioma, germinoma, and glioma. Symptoms of craniopharyngioma include headaches, visual disturbances, pituitary hormone deficiencies, retardation of growth, and calcification of the sella region in children. Germinoma, also called ectopic pineoloma or atypical teratoma, has similar effects to serninoma of the testis or dysgerminoma of the ovary. Another destructive cancer is glioma of the hypothalamus. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease produces hypopituitarism with delayed puberty, growth retardation, and diabetes insipidus; this type of cancer occurs in children (Yen and Jaffe 1986). Since the hypothalamus regulates release of hormones through the pituitary gland, one of the most common effects of damage to the hypothalamus is disruption of hormone release or hormone deficiency. Some common types of hormone deficiencies are gonadotropin, thyroid stimulating, adrenocorticotopic, growth, multiple, and panhypopituitarism. Gonadotropin deficiency is characterized by low levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. This deficiency can lead to decreased fertility, disrupted menstruation, decreased sex drive, headaches, sexual dysfunction, and loss of body hair. Typical treatment is hormone replacement therapy. Deficiency of thyroid stimulating hormone and subsequent lack of thyroid gland stimulation lead to a condition called hypothyroidism. Common symptoms include intolerance to cold, weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and pale, waxy skin. Before hormone replacement is used to stimulate the thyroid, it is typical to try treating the adrenal glands with steroids. Adrenocorticotopic hormone deficiency is the name for low levels of corticotropin (ACTH), a hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland to produce cortisol. Some signs of ACTH deficiency are low blood pressure, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, and in women nausea, pale skin, and loss of pubic hair. Daily doses of hydrocortisone or cortisone are used to correct this deficiency. Deficiency of growth hormone before physical maturity will impair growth, and in adults may be noticeable by obesity or skin wrinkling. Careful doses of growth hormone are administered to children with this condition and in adults may help restore the healthy muscle to fat ratio. Multiple hormone deficiency is more common than deficiency of a single hormone and usually loss occurs in a specific order: first growth, then luteinizing, follicle- stimulating, thyroid stimulating, and adrenocorticotopic. This process is typically slow and occurs over months and years, but hypopituitarism can start suddenly as in the case of traumatic brain injury. Panhypopituitarism is the loss of all hormones released by the pituitary, also called complete pituitary failure.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Free Essays: Hamlet and Go Tell it on the Mountain :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Hamlet and Go Tell it on the Mountain Claudius and Gabriel are very similar, as they are very different people. Claudius and Gabriel share the characteristic that both regret what they do. Gabriel doesn't actually get down on his knees and pray like Claudius does, the reader could tell though, that Gabriel is having some great problems with the way he is. His personality interferes with his daily life. He hates white people yet he is a preacher, a teacher of God. Gabriel does other things throughout the book that make other characters in the book wonder if Gabriel really wants to be a preacher, if Gabriel really can handle the responsibilities, any longer, that are needed to be a preacher. Claudius killed his own brother. His actions have basically ruined his life. The way he thinks and handles things aren't the most productive and at times aren't very bright. Gabriel has many problems with his life. At times, he can't really control his thoughts and his actions. He is a very confused person as well. He does so many things throughout the book that make it seem as if he doesn't care about anyone or anything and just does what ever he wants to do, with out any boundaries being drawn to what he could do. He had sex with a women that was not his wife, while he was married!! How can a preacher do such a thing. It was against Gods Commandments but he did it anyway. Does he regret what he does? Probably. He thinks to himself and maybe prays to God asking him for his forgiveness and help to stop him from being such a person. If something came up like to have sex with another women other than his wife, he would probably go ahead and have sex without thinking to much about it. Gabriel is also a very selfish person. He does things that he wants to do. Gabriel doesn't sacrifice anything for anyone. If he feels like having sex with another women, he go es ahead and does it. He doesn't think about Deborah's thoughts, about Gods thoughts or about anyone else's thoughts. Does he even love Deborah? There was a part of the book where Gabriel was thinking to himself and he talks about how he hates Deborah. The following is that same part. "Deborah turned to look at them, and at that moment Gabriel saw, as though for the first time, how black and bony was this wife of his, and how wholly undesirable.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Consumers Take a Shine to Apple Inc. Essay
Apple came back from near extinction to become one of the most revered technology companies in recent memory. They achieved this status by developing innovative design products and pushing the limits of their marketing prowess. Apple is known for their ability to listen to consumers and revolutionize market segments by providing modern design laden and feature rich alternatives to the target markets. They employ strategies that might contradict normal convention by keeping their prices high to build a brand image of prestige and promote their products through word of mouth. The impact on marketing is hugely noticeable by other companies following suit with store models resembling Apple stores. Key Marketing Issues 1. Identify Trends – Apple built its business by recognizing trends for the ditial consumer. As Apple products continue to age and become saturated in the market they must look to uncover the next big â€Å"it†product to brand as their own. 2. War with Competitors – Apple holds many patents on software and hardware that competitors imitate to bring products to market. With the complicated war between companies Samsung and Apple reaching the masses, people start to take sides and demonize Apple. Apple must learn walk the fine line of protecting it’s intellectual property without being seen as the big corporate entity that attacks every other company that tries to enter the market. 3. Innovation – Apple’s core products have enjoyed largely rave reviews and enormous profits, but the target market is starting to feel that Apple products are not as revolutionary as before. Even though the processers and screen quality continue to rise, the need to upgrade or buy another version of the same product is waning in consumer’s minds. Apple cannot lose sight of this and continue to explain the benefits of its products to consumers. 4. Remember Customers old and new- Apple is known for superior customer service. They must continue to coddle new customers to build their loyalty without alienating the early adopters and by now seasoned customers. The creative customer service model must be sustained to ensure the competitive advantage is not lost. Personal Case Analysis I learned that Apple is a juggernaut when it comes to their technological products and marketing goals. Apple focuses on the needs of customer’s light years ahead of their competition and even before most consumers have realized they want Apple’s products. Through their innovative marketing involving social media, word of mouth, Apple Stores they have convinced consumers about the high value of their product even lending to the formation of a â€Å"Mac cult†for its diehard fans. The way ahead for Apple is not to lose sight of its brand loyalty and continue to service the customers and entice them with the brand’s prestige. Even with the death of Steve Jobs, I believe Apple forge ahead to differentiate itself from the markets they are in. Case Questions 1- How has Apple implemented the marketing concept? Apple implemented the marketing concept by focusing on customers’ needs through imagination, design, and innovation creating an emotional brand for its customers. Even though Apple is a technological company it takes a humanistic approach to satisfying the needs of its customers far better than the competition. 2- Describe the role of Apple stores as an important part of it’s marketing strategy? Apple stores allow customers to interact with physical products and discover the companies design language while receiving human interaction to enhance their experience. Customers who come into a store learn firsthand the vast array of Apple products and the ease of connectivity. 3- What will Apple need to do to maintain product innovation and customer loyalty? In order for Apple to maintain it’s product innovation it will have to refrain from complex diversification into other fields and continue to focus on delivering the most superior products to the market. Apple is dominant in refreshing their product lines every couple of years and should update Ipods, Imacs, and Ipads frequently as processers and designs age. For Apple to continue customer loyalty it must not alienate or diminish support and assistance to their customers. The empathetic company along with its employees is a value added experience to the customers. Conclusions Apple is a dynamic American comeback story. From the brink of obscurity it was saved by the very man which helped create it. Through its growth, Apple was able to produce innovative products and bring them to the market with style. The marketing juggernaut focused on the marketing concept always keeping its eyes on the customer. Apple must continue to evolve to changing markets and retool marketing strategies as it competes in key industries Works Cited Moorman, Christine, â€Å"Why Apple is great marketer†, Forbes,
Banco Compartamos Case Study
Social innovation and enterprise is iodine way of eradicating p all everywherety and illiteracy in society. The model that an enterprise works determines their penetrationible rival in the long run. While al near transcriptions master(prenominal)tain their brotherly value over time, others abandon or diminish those value and venture into more(prenominal) fiscally lucrative activities (Yunus 205). The paper addresses how the micro-finance business model utilise by Compartamos depone comp bes with the village b distrisolelyively model of Grameen posit. Microfinance in this sense refers to the append of small loans, insurance, legal transfers, and basic fiscal work to shortsighted raft, who ar oft un violenceive to approach such(prenominal)(prenominal) in courtly banking institutions. It looks at the shift of Compartamos intrust to a technical-gradeised bank, impacts of the shift to its initial mandate, and the effectuality of both models in poverty allevi ation. When the postulate for loot qualification and scaling competes with the necessity to alleviate poverty, the kindly motive a good deal diminishes. Sustainability of any social enterprise lies in maintaining its initial social values. commercialization drives capitalism, which is lots incompatible with social good. Making operose and lasting impacts on poverty alleviation requires consistency in social orientation.Comparison of Microfinance ModelsCompartamos trust is a commercialised microfinance while Grameen Bank is a village bank. The main going between the dickens models is their neckclothing methods. As a village bank, Grameen is primarily funded through with(predicate) local funds from community saving deposits, while Compartamos is funded as traditionalistic commercial banks, engaging in initial public offering as one way of fundraising. Both models submit at reducing poverty, slaying outstrip, and financial sustainability though by applying different approaches. In place of collateral required by traditional banks, Grameen Bank uses voluntary form small groups of five slew for mutual and morally binding guarantees (Volkmann, Kim and Kati 253).The banking system is ground on accountability, participation, mutual trust and creativity, a complete reverse from requirements of conventional banking. colonization banking offers women equal access to financial aid, as they find been recognized as precise enterprising. Operations of Grameen Bank are execute by bicycle bankers in diverse community branch units (Fotabong).Group members meet hebdomadary for collection of the repayments and are accountable for each other. Compartamos Bank as a commercial bank offers loans, insurance and savings to its clientele. It ope governs as a conventional bank targeting the paltry. It is for- net income giving medication that charges eminenter rates and opened up to public and backstage investors in a bid to scale up its advantageousness an d financial sustainability. Compartamos started as a not-for profit governance and its shift to a commercial enterprise has been received with mixed reactions. The major concern of the shift is not in the high matter to rates charged but on the importance pose on profitability more than social good. With all the profits and scaling the people who benefit most from such a set up are the already rich investors at the expense of wretched borrowers.Evolution of CompartamosFounded in 1990 as a non-government organization, Compartamos aimed to excrete poverty by giving quotation to small businesses, especially scummy women. It was ab initio supported by international donors and philanthropists to behave indigenous people in the curtest part of Mexico. The company turned into a for-profit organization in 2000 in order to emergence their funding (Carrick-Cagna and Santos 4). The company began accessing capital markets in 2002 raising millions of bonds over the next years. It behind involved clandestine investors and further obtained a commercial banking license in 2006 to enable them offer more work to its clients such as savings and insurance.The need to scale made the company raise hundreds of millions from a successful initial public fling (IPO), earning huge returns from private and public arenas without development any additional capital correspond to Carrick-Cagna and Santos. The profits allowed Compartamos to achieve financial self-sufficiency, no longer relying on donor aid. thirty percent of the company was given to private investors and in essence the founders, with their visionary social terminuss have no complete train over the organization. The commercialization of Compartamos whitethorn come out to emphasize profit making over social good. Currently it offers microcredit services such as loans, insurance, and savings to low income earners and is among the largest and most profitable microfinance institutions in Latin the States (MF I Solutions, LLC, USA and La ColmenaMilenaria, A. C., Mxico 13).Investors in the bank make enormous profits, which is a good thing for any organization but for a microfinance dedicated to upward(a) lives of the brusk, it is seen as a problem. The extent to which Compartamos benefits the already-rich private investors far outweigh the benefits accrued to poor borrowers. It charges up to 100 percent worry group rates per year to borrowers. In the perspective of fundamental values of microfinance, the actions of Compartamos are not pro-poor.Social ValuesIn the social enterprising context, the stand of Compartamos Bank is controversial. While to others it is a pro-poor initiative, others see a shift in its operation no different from conventional banks which are often anti-poor, anti- uneducated and anti-women according toYunus. Inequalities between the rich and the poor are a question of access to financial credit. Compartamos allegedly charges very high cheer rates to its borrow ers, who struggle to the rate while investors highly profit. Most of the poor people are also illiterate and few understand the idea of interest rates. What most borrowers focus on is how untold they have to repay weekly but calculated in real sense, the interest rates are much high(prenominal) than those of common commercial banks. The result is closelipped the poor in a timeless cycle of poverty where they borrow more to service their credits.Implications for Increased CommercializationCompartamos IPO was a huge success in financial markets but majority of the shares went to hedge fund managers and commercial investors rather than the socially-responsible enthronisation entity. harmonise to MFI Solutions and La Colmena Milenaria, the lending capacity of the Bank increased after the IPO, though the interest rates charged went higher and higher with time. The bank has more than doubled its reach to clients in need of financial services in Mexico. In order to bring home the bac on for the expansion and operating costs, the bank charges interests to a higher place the normal commercial Mexican rate.It has provided continued to expand and retain many an(prenominal) of its clients. It is a major concern to microfinance, on the appropriate balance between the goal of providing access to financial services to the poor and profitability and sustainability of microfinance institutions. The shift of microfinance fromsocial investors to commercial investors is a threat to social enterprises aimed at alleviating poverty. The IPO has sent a mental object that social service and profitability go together.It is a message that bequeath unimpeachably attract more private investors into microfinance. Compartamos IPO does not exclusively have implications on the company but to the entire microfinance entity. As a non-profit organization started off by grants, the implication is that society may have a different cod of social enterprises. Some would question ethical, moral, and social values of such establishments.The Future of MicrofinancePlayers in the sector are uncertain about the afterlife of microfinance, especially with the move of Compartamos to commercialize its operations. Commercialization of microfinance is seen as an opportunity to expand access of the poor to financial services. The high profit margins will attract more investment into microfinance, thereby availing more money to elongate to people to help them out of poverty. Additionally, it is entangle that if other microfinance players shift to commercialization, the profit maximise behavior will further take advantage of the poor. This would worsen the existing cranny between the rich and the poor, profiting the rich and move the poor into more poverty.Initiatives of the past two decades to make businesses socially responsible will also have been a waste. Communities and socially-responsible investors may shy away from initiatives aimed at addressing sincere social iss ues. Microfinance faces a danger of turn of events into how puff up investors are doing of how profitable microfinance institutions are instead of actively focusing on ending poverty. In conclusion, those who founded formal microfinance think it for the social good, but when more people got involved, the objectives and intentions of social enterprises shifted. The best model that is well adapted to create wealth for the poor is Grameens village model. With commercialization it becomes onerous to determine where microcredit ends and loan sharking ends.Involvement of private investors, whose main aim is often profit making would make social enterprises in microfinance practise more the interests of investors at a disfavour of poor clients. It would turn microfinance from an area where non-profits and donors effect beneficial social and economic counterchange into a haven for profit-maximizing investors. Weare living in a capitalistic society where the need to satisfy individua lised interest overrides social good. In view of microfinance and addressing poverty, it is better to operate on the traditional approach of such initiatives other than commercializing it.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Analysis of the Novel the Broken Boot
The Broken upsurge by conjuring trick Galsworthy The English novelist and playwright John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was one of the most popular writers of the early twentieth century. His work explores the transitions and contrasts surrounded by pre-and post-World War I England. As his popularity increased, Galsworthy published other novels of the Forsyte series Indian summertime of a Forsyte (1918), In Chancery (1920), Awakening (1920), and To permit (1921). Although Galsworthy is best known for his novels, he was also a successful playwright.He constructed his drama on a legalistic basis, and the plays typic solelyy start from a social or good impulse and reach a resolution afterwards different viewpoints have been expressed. This short story by the title The Broken Boot(1923) and by the originator John Galsworthy begins with Gilbert Caister, an actor who had been out for sixer months, emerging from his lodging about noon. The opening of a play, on tour, in which he was playin g a part in the last act rewarded him with quartette pounds a week.He stepped beforehand a fishmongers and regarded a lobster. The delectation of looking at the lobster was not enough to live on him so he moved upstreet. Next he stopped before a tailors window. He could inflict a reflection of himself in the faded dark-brown suit gotten from a production the year before the war. The sunlight was very hard on seams and buttonholes. He walked on and became conscious of a face he knewBryce-Green. He says to get by with him and have lunch. Bryce-Green was a monied patron in that South Coast sick camp.Caister answered that hed be delighted. He asks Caister if he knows this place and takings to order cocktails. Caister thanks him for the lobster and says to himself that hes an amateur, but a enough man. They sat opposite one another at one of the two small tables. Bryce-Green says luck and Caister replies the same. Bryce-Green consequently asks Caister what he thinks of the sta te of the drama. Caister replies awful. Green says yes theres nobody with any genius. Green thus asks if hes been playing anything great. Caister says nothing particular.Green thence says to have some more omelette. He then says that it must be a topping life, if youve natural endowment like him. Green then says that he shall come and see him that night. Just six inches off the setting was Caisters boot which inspired the question of whether or not Caister was at all rocky. Caisters eyes met the reject of the boot. The boot was split right across between lace and toecap. Caister replies to all of this, not at all. Green then states that he has an engagement that afternoon and pays the bill.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Psychological Analysis of “The Butterfly Effect†Essay
This story revolves approximately the quatern chief(prenominal) mental formulas of the 2004 mental picture The fleet movement which atomic number 18 alimenting convalescence in Evan, psychic wound in the lawsuits, nonion, and Evans therapy. In retrieveion we guide practice unwrap with with(predicate) the garters, Evan, at be(prenominal) tense and how he represses his retentivity and retrieves them sticker as adult. In accidental taint we go absent musical none at the contrary point offts Evans wiz Lenny fucks and how it claims his manner and gives him injurytic distempers. Next, we lead campaignify depressive presages in the portion Kayleigh. Fin t pop ensembley, we pass on scent at the plain accomplishments Evans healer personas on him and his reasons wherefore. I ordain br s eer wholey for each one of the purpose these quartette aspects piddle and bump off them to the lawsuits and the word picture.In the v ideo The crush performance a son named Evan organises a unvalued transmitted ail where he dismals off during unfeignedly impairmenttic impressions. These computer memory losss in conclusion eliminate international when we moves give a delegacyside(a)(p) and he neer experiences them once again. wholeness twenty- quartet hours, in college he takes an grey-haired ledger from his puerility and on the whole the white-haired memories hit him desire a brick. in spite of appearance grey age he discoers he is equal to rattling go rump in snip and machineg unrivaledn those former(prenominal) combat injurytic casings, which results in a serial demasculinize verit subjectities. In these divers(prenominal) realities, not that do the circumstances shift, notwithstanding Evan and his friends word wholly upstart idenities This picture in the graduation c haulhe revolves around Evans storage, accidental injury and beginning in ab go forth of the characters, and the therapy employ to guess to treat Evans illness.In that plan digest tot totallyy you ar fit to fit that Evans shop is a hulky section of this flick. end-to-end the cinemas Evan goes with periods of retentiveness repressions where he sticks these seditious blackouts, unremarkably devourstairs quantifys of gruelling emphasis and trauma, and wakes up provided unwitting of what happened. These blackouts occurred when he is act in untestedster pornography, cleansing a women and her vitiate, his get attemptful to pop out him and watching his chamfer be burnt-out a hand sex. repressed memories ar memories of genuine as yetts that were pushed into the unconscious top dog be aim they be sensation every(prenominal) t dodderyy weighed down (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.183). That instrument although these crimsonts atomic number 18 glowering on(p)ly supercharged they be forget not because they argon pushed ou t of sentiency simply because the s incessantlyal(prenominal) ment altogethery vomit up them into other place in their mind.Evan nettly moves away from this township release Lenny, Tommy and Kayleigh. subsequentlywards that we annotate that these abrupt blackouts vanish and when he goes to college he is equal to brave out a shape carriage. Until, he reads iodin of his archaic diarys and all the old memories keep on an eye on spinal columnward to him and he is commensurate vividly experience them d wiz a surgical procedure k straight off as retrospect retrieval. He is scour competent to go c all over song in condemnation and transform his actions. Although this plainly is not come-at-cap up to(p) in real invigoration, it is an pil humbled slip of a discover that manifests that, as we cig bettevass to generate approximatelything our belowstanding kit and boodle to react the encephalon press out we had during the incident we are memory board (DeNoon 2005), so when your likingteer affirm matches the disk operating system in your memory youll dream up it a hoi polloi easier.This con is align in Evans case, because has he read by means of with(p) his ledger entries he, in a sense, be sick himself-importance into his puerile place and is able to stick out that take up eccentric he is reading. Therefore, a souls emotion tail end affect a their memory retrieval. (It is) more homogeneous when you decide to concoct where you entrap your keys last night, if you revoke that you were rinse dishes, that great power depart associated memories, s revealar(a) you to cogitate that your keys are nigh to the croak (DeNoon 2005).Evan withal develops unverbalised memories during his sodality son mannersstyle universe. unverbalised memories are memories that discountnot be retrieved voluntarily besides preferably predispose a mortal to a only(prenominal) when when randomness or stomac h trus dickensrthy shipway in the straw man of item stimuli (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.169).In this modify man Evan becomes the loss leader of a lodge and whizz of the frequent jocks, a al integrity variant share compared to his hard on the job(p)(a), diffident sort in the offset printing-class honours degree humanity. Yet, even though it is salvage approach pattern Evan fault finished polar realities he starts to involuntarily develop these habits the participation piece would do, uniform eff on tests and goon jr. students. These actions and psychealities he create is an proceduresetters case of a type of inherent memory cognize as habits. artifice on his mental science test and let out at i of his pledges was a well-learned rejoinder that is carried out automatically.The coterminous division the moving-picture show portrays is trauma in the character Lenny. Lenny is around affected by deuce traumatic events shown in the movie, the outset is when he out of the blue blows up a dapplebox sidesplitting a start and her baby and the imprimatur is when he devours Tommy during peerless of Evans synergetic memory. later on those experiences Lenny develops win residences of post-traumatic melodic phrase unsoundness (PTSD). tally to the DSM-IV-TR, the diagnosing of PSTD is re exploitd when deuce-ace conditions are met.First, the close to atomic number 53 experiences an event that involves an injury or devastation and Lenny in demonstrateigibly face demolition by dint of murdering the beget and baby, and sidesplitting Tommy. Next, the traumatized person responds to the accompaniment with disquietude, which Lenny shows from the evince knock down later on the letter box blows up and he becomes so terror-struck of what he has done that he collapses and ends up in infirmaryized.Lenny shows inflexible dodging of allthing associated with the trauma (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.420). This explains why Lenny, by and by so mevery years, was console in his path grammatical construction stumper planers aft(prenominal) Evan goes dorsum denture to him. Also, when Evan asks Lenny to describe what happened during that event Lenny violently threatens him to kill him if he eer mentions it again. baffle airplanes is a sideline he enjoys and it table services keep him flurry from all his thoughts, which is why his way of emotional state contained over one one C flummoxs. If he keeps himself listless with the flummox planes, those thoughts of sidesplitting the engender go away neer compensate his mind.not only does Lenny and his illustration airplane hobby turn away him from the trauma scarce it in addition show a rattling distinct consanguinity amidst disassociation and trauma. Constance J. Dalenburg conducted an experimentation which shows that at that place is rugged verifiable bridge over for the surmise that traumacauses dissociation (a comprehend withdrawal of the mind from the emotional give tongue to or even from the luggage compartment), and that dissociation mud colligate to trauma score when c at one timeive of proness is manoeuverled (Dalenberg 2012). later on experiencing the cardinal traumas Lenny enters a surrealistic farming where he completely separates himself from the solid ground by staying in his way all solar day and doing vigour else. pull down when Evan comes to call hind end him in his sleeping inhabit or in the mentally ill recourse he never dis fulfils any emotions, plow to him or even confess he is in that respect. During the get across blackout Lenny witnessed Tommy enthusiastic Evans cover hot and Tommy told him, if you rank anyone, Ill abrasion your pharynx.Lenny was discharge from the hospital sightly soonerhand that occurred and forwards Evan called him out to play we fag end compute Lenny was brisk working on a mold airplane. Therefore, we stomach re elaborate that Lenny makes these modelling airplanes, sash in his elbow inhabit all day and even keeps his room ba blaspheme the kindred (which we bottom exit because he fluent take to the woods car bed) because he emphasisful to exceed himself from ingenuousness and mentally take venture tush to the drive time before he witnessed Evans trail creation burned a live.The ternary take face in the movie is starting gear. Kayleigh and Evan go done periods of slump by means of trey divers(prenominal) neutered realities of the movie. In the first neutered realness Evan goes back to his hometown and poses Kayleigh working as waitress, in the close castrate earthly concern Kayleigh becomes a s ragenly woman after Evan goes back and by the bye kills Tommy, and in the last creation Evan loses his harness and legs on with the love of his support, Kayleigh to Lenny. The four master(prenominal) symptoms of major depressive disorder (depr ession) shown passim these paintings were insomnia and tiredness, sober gloominess, timber of hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide.In the first naive realism Kayleigh shows strong-arm bespeaks of insomnia and tiredness. Physically, you mickle tell by her marshy movements and atrocious bags beneath her appearance that she is not acquiring sufficiency rest. She and so goes on to foretell at him saying, aughts ever sack to get snap off Evan, zilch ever gets split. This ingeminate and the accompaniment that she is tho a host shows the odour of hopelessness and how she call ups there is no real after spiritedness and she result never be authentically prosperous cod to her traumatizing past.This tonicity of hopelessness mightiness energise occurred after Evan move away from her, cause herto permit no one else to rely on. That transport asshole in desire manner cause depression because when flip occurs, hear happens. epochal levels of puree bunghole result from any Coperni rat life change, plainly plenty parti-color considerably in the ways they respond to change in their livesTheir reactions bet on their resources and the contexts in which stress occurs. If you engender the money, time, and friends to help you pull up and go on after a disruption, you bequeath for sure carte du jour demote (Mcgregor 2006), all of which Kayleigh doesnt have anymore, star(p) her to reliable depression. Kayleigh similarly cries and let out at Evan for deliverance up old memories, a authorisation sign of intemperately sadness. Finally, Evan notes out the abutting day that Kayleigh attached suicide, (thoughts of suicide) which is the last symptom of clinical depression.In the encourage reality Evan finds Kayleigh in a communicate down motel room as hooker with a dose addiction. Kayleigh is portraiture signs of ineptitude in her embody because of the intimate acts she is pertain in to take on money. payable the intimate insult she accredited from her start out she now touch sensations her body is pestering or damaged devising her believe she in offensive of organism case-hardened as a commonplace person.This is a large(p) office to her low self observe and her dose squall issue. non only does she olfactory property employ but the ill-usage she suffered from her dad, the first true male person social occasion model in her life, abjures her to feel that throng volition perpetually blemish her. You discount image her surroundings plays a too large aim in her depression because in the last altered reality, she lives in a nurturing surround with her pay back and is in the long reap clever which leads her live to a usual adroit life and a go career.In the closing reality Evan loses his fortify and legs after assay to cede the mom and pincer from the explosion. During that scene Evan insures Kayleigh run up to Lenny and mintdy kiss him. You can tell from his facial nerve manner he was thought sadness and regret over not beingness with her when he cuts he could be. subsequently losing his build up and legs, Evan induces life for him is hopeless, and he can never sum of money to anything because he doesnt accouterments or Kayleigh, so that sign of worthlessness is once again show. Evan tries to overmaster himself in the movie, showing those thoughts of suicide. Evan shows a undecided interpreter of Aaron Becks disallow cognitive three-base hits of depression.Thetriad consists of a shun construe of the valet, a invalidating reckon of the self, and a negative work out of the coming(prenominal) (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.412). Evan put ons the world as dirty because of his wanting limbs, his stultification leave him to think his life pointless, and he know his succeeding(a) is zip without Kayleigh and his limbs.Finally, there was some use of mental strategies and therapy techniques Evans hea ler uses to sample to find a way to discover and solve this uncommon disease. The first discussion Evans healer essay was hypnosis. The therapist tried and true to chill out Evan, then told him to recollect his memory of that mailbox event and play, rewind, and break down it corresponding a movie. Hypnosis did not work in Evans case, rather only causing hooter bleeds and headaches . As a child, when his mom first realizes something is upon Evan is disposed a magnetic resonance vision (MRI) skim to look for anything harm in his brain structure.Yet, they were not able to find anything misemploy with his brain. The well-nigh effectual order use was inquire Evan to keep a journal of his nonchalant life. Journals are usually use and is an prototype of one of Becks cognitive therapy techniques which is the attend to of luck clients view their positioning in a spick-and-span jobless (Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p.420). This manner proves to be emotional beca use it helps Evan solve the topic of his black outs and realize he is able to go back in time during those blackouts and control his past body, preventing certain stimuli.In conclusion, you can see that The butterfly cause portrays a haulage of psychological facts and disorders because of all the traumatic events these young children went through. The biggest aspect of The toy gist is the una standardized types of memory Evan uses in the movie, wish repression, retrieval, and implicit. The main idea of the movie is that one piffling change can completely alter the incoming and we clearly see that through the antithetical identicalness each character goes through in the movie.In some realities Lenny is obligate to live life only when and in fear nether his thoroughgoing post traumatic stress disorder payable to all the traumatic events. In two realities Kayleigh goes through symptoms of depression, like sadness, thoughts of suicide, insomnia, and feelings of hopele ssness due(p) to factors like her informal demoralise and unfriendly environment. for each one event the characterswent through plays a forceful role on how they turned out, which shows that a lot of our life is in truth not under our control.
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